Chapter 18: No, I'm much worse.

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It was the morning after the shooting where my best friend Lily was murdered by the hands of West. Everyone was still sound asleep in their separate rooms.

Xavier had offered for us all to stay the night. I wanted to leave straight away to hunt him down but the guys thought it was a bad idea for me to go with everything that has happened in the past twenty-four hours.

Also because it's too dangerous for me to go right now.

Especially alone.

I know it's early because there is no light struggling to get past the blinds. I can hear the drum of rain on the window as I slip on my boots. After hearing about my dad, Mila and uncle were on the run again because one of Wests men had found out where they were living, so I didn't sleep a wink. 

All I want is my daughter in my arms again but she wouldn't be safe here either. I'm not the biggest fan of Miles being here with me because I want him safe but he refuses to leave my side as I'm his baby sister at the end of the day.

My mind was in overdrive, all I could think about was taking down West and everyone else who had decided to go against me and work with him. Everyone who was a threat to me and the people I care about will die at my hands.

Xavier proposed to make our alliance stronger. Joining my gang with his mafia will make us beyond powerful then you could imagine but we would have to get married first, which means soon if we want the enemy gone now.

I know for a fact the guys would disapprove of my choice but I need to make this sacrifice. Instead of finding love through all this, I have to give it all up but in the end.

I might not even be the same girl I once was.

Grabbing two of my guns with extra ammo and sliding them into the waistband of my pants, also not forgetting the sharpest sword in my possession, in case I felt like slicing someone's head off who pissed me off the most. I slowly made my way over the window to unlock it, as I peered out to make sure there were none of Xavier's men on patrol. 

No sign of them.

Lifting myself on the window sill I slid out into the heavy rain, my hair becoming soaked along with my clothes which I didn't mind as they are waterproof. I threw my hood on to cover my face so nobody could recognize me.

The streetlights were still on, the roads were like a ghost town as everyone still slept.

I steadily peered over the edge of the roof to see where the best place was to land but I couldn't spot any so I decided to jump off gripping onto a branch then sliding down the tree making it safely on the ground.

My mind thought of all the places where he could be, then I remembered the old warehouse where Michael had kept me locked up as he tortured me over a year ago.

Knowing that him and Rose were now working with West alongside my mother because they have an unhealthy obsession and hatred towards me. So I set off to see if they were all stupid enough to stay there.

On my way to the warehouse, I passed the graveyard where Callum was finally buried. I never head the guts to visit it because it hurt too much.

Knowing he died to save me with him thinking I didn't love him when deep down I did killed me.

Oh, I loved him so much but I was blinded by West who was lying to me the whole time. He never loved me, it was all to just get close to me for his sick twisted games.

My body stood still looking into the most morbid place you could visit, someone's mum, dad, sister, grandad, grandma, brother or any other family member was lay in the ground surrounded by dirt and insects.

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