Chapter 28: My Idiots In Shining Armour

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Maybe I should have listened to Xavier.

I spun around to see West with a group of men, and to my distaste, Rose and my mother were stood next to him.

"Must be luck" He smiled.

"Bad luck" I shot back.

The men behind him had their guns pointed at me but West out his hand up signaling to put them back down

"She's not a threat" He spoke loudly.

I looked over at my mum who was glaring at me, she's not changed much. Hair thick brown hair was now shoulder length, her skin pale which stood out more from all the black she is wearing.

Sometimes I wonder what my dad ever saw in her. She was a good mum to Miles but not to me.

I was her mistake.

"I see you're not dead yet," My mother said as she quickly shot West a look, her eyes narrowing before returning her attention back to me.

West gulped, fear flashed through his eyes but soon vanished.

What was that about?

"Sorry to disappoint" I gave them a tight smile.

"Well this was nice, I hope we don't do this again" I pointed towards them then to me.

"But I really must get going, I have stuff to do like plot your death"

When I turned to leave a gunshot went off, my mum had set one off in the air as a warning.

Rose stalked forward becoming impatient, she's still slutty as ever. A tight black boob tube that looked more like a bra and some really short denim shorts.

How is that even comfy?

I whipped my head to the side just dodging her right hook and I brought mine up connecting with her nose, a loud crack was heard followed by her screaming.

"You bitch"

"No babe that's you, I think you forget who you are dealing with"

Now the men, including my mother had their guns pointed at me ready to shoot so I gripped Rose's hair and pulled her in front of me, my arm wrapped around her neck, my hand still holding onto her fake extensions tilting her head back.

Her breathing quickened and her body started to tremble. The smell of blood hit my nose making me scrunch it.

"Put your guns down or I will snap her neck"

The streets were quiet, too quiet for my liking. I could hear voices in my head, one telling me to let go of her and not to shed any more blood. The other urging me on, to see Rose die by my hands.

"You don't have the guts" My mum stepped forward, her finger now hovering over the trigger.

My arm tightened around Roses's neck, now her arms were wrapped around mine trying to relieve the pressure. To try and suck in some oxygen.

"Don't test me, now put your fucking guns down and walk away. You want me dead? Fine, but only in battle. You'll have your shot then, but one against how many of you? Not really fair is it. I'd hurry up if I were you, I don't think Rose will last much longer and if I'm being honest, I don't give a damn if she dies" I sneered.

Please drop your guns, please drop your guns.

"Kill her"

Well, that's not how I wanted it to go. I would love to kill this idiot but if I do then there's nothing stopping them from shooting me till I look like that Spongebob square pants.

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