Chapter 25: Surrounded By Idiots

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Xavier's Pov

As I hung up the phone, my head now throbbing from my inner circle who are also like family to me bicker on at each other about who gets to meet Hope first.

Also one of them wants a dog which is a definite no, I'm not having it shit all over my house.

There is Reagen who is my second in command, she has a sharp tongue and knows how to use a sword. Not one of us has beaten her in a fight. Then we have her twin brother Rhett who is an absolute idiot, probably can't even work out what one plus one is, but damn he can fight.

Next, we have Marco who reminds me of a lot of Jace apart from the fact he's into men and isn't Spanish. He's also the best driver that I know, well maybe after me of course, and that's another similarity with Jace, Hope told me he's amazing when it comes to cars.

Lastly, we have Dominic, and let's just say he's our comedian of the group. He and Rhett wind each other up to the point they start throwing knives and other objects at each other that could possibly kill you. He's also the best hacker I know.

They have been away for a few weeks trying to figure out who West may be working for. I can't stand the man, his greed for power is causing a problem for me but there's something that doesn't add up. I have a gut feeling that he's working for someone but I need to be absolutely sure before I even speak of this to Hope.

My gut feeling is always right.

Speaking of her I heard the click of her heels on my laminate floor and not a second later the door is slammed shut, rattling the hinges.

People really need to quit it before they break one of my doors.

Wow, she's strong for such a petite, flawless, breathtaking woman. I have eyes, I know beauty when I see one and I'm not one to hide my thoughts.

I vaguely heard the argument going on in my kitchen whilst listening to Rhett tell me why he should be able to have a puppy. He can't even keep a goldfish alive for a day, there's no way in hell he's having a dog.

More shouts erupted from the kitchen and I pinched the bridge of my nose. These damn idiots are more infuriating then Ashton goes on about his precious Bambi.

I slipped my phone into my pocket and stormed towards the arguing. Miles had Caleb pinned up against the wall by the throat, and Jace was leaning against the fridge looking at them with a straight face.

"Miles put him down," I told him calmly.

His head snapped to the side, rage blazed in his eyes. Whilst he was focused on me Caleb hit him across his cheek making Miles stumble to the side, a bruise already forming on his skin.

These people are apart of a gang? They need to grow the fuck up.

"Why you little..." I heard Miles hiss.

Before he could jump onto Caleb I gripped the back of his shirt and threw him behind me, my eyes narrowing on Caleb who had a smug look on his face.

"Put your face straight shaw before I do it for you" I growled.

Everyone finally shut up, Jace stood up straight and started to walk across the floor towards the exit of the kitchen.

"Where are you going?"

He spun round to face me, his jaw tightened as he looked over at Caleb who also tried leaving but I pulled my gun out and pointed straight at his head making him stop in his tracks.

"You aren't going anywhere, I heard what you said and honestly you need to get over yourself. So what if Hope slept with you and whoever else, I bet you aren't a fucking saint yourself. I don't have the time to stop stupid pathetic arguments about broken hearts or little crushes. I'm in constant meetings with gang leaders all over the world discussing boring business as well as trying to run my mafia, keeping everyone safe, and making sure they all do their jobs. Now I need the two of you to go and make sure Hope hasn't gone and done something stupid. Caleb, take two of my men with you and try and track where West is"

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