Chapter 24: I'm Fucked In The Head

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"You piss me off" 

"You still find me undeniably attractive, just admit it. You are wasting your time marrying my brother" Ashton glanced my way with a smirk.

Everyone was out attending some sort of business, we had all agreed to stay here for the time being, which wasn't too bad. The place is big enough and the more people the better right? Well, it would be fantastic If Ashton wasn't here talking shit all of the time, constantly following me around like a lost puppy.

The past few days we had come up with a plan and sent invitations out for our engagement party, but what we hoped for was a reply from West but there was nothing. He was quiet and I didn't like that at all. I know for a fact he's up to something and I plan on finding out even if I have to do it by myself.

"If you don't shut up I will blow your head off, your brain splattering all over the walls. I'm sure your brothers wouldn't mind" I sent him a sarcastic smile and stood up from my seat.

He did the same and stepped in my way, towering over me like the others. His gaze was disturbing and quite frankly annoying. I swung my arm to slap him across the face but he caught it with ease and pulled me forward till I was just inches away from him.

He lowered his head till his nose brushed against mine, his minty breath with a hint of bourbon fanning my face. 

I am so close to ripping his balls off.

The bell on the door rung indicating someone had come home, then a jacket flew across the room. Xavier was stood there rubbing his head whilst his other pulled his tie to loosen it from his neck.
His muscles strained against his white shirt, and I must say he has a nice arse. 

I seriously need to start doing more squats.

Xavier hadn't noticed us yet and I completely forgot who was stood in front of me, I gripped hold of his top and flung him to the floor.

Ashton just lay there groaning and I swear he said that he liked it when a girl is rough with him.

Ugh, what a pig.

I crouched down next to him making sure to look into his eyes, a stone-cold expression plastered on my face as I pulled his hair.

"If you want to live to see another day then I'd suggest staying the hell away from me" I sneered and pushed his head harshly.

As I strode past Xavier I couldn't help but notice an amused smile on his face making him even more attractive. He looked towards his brother and laughed before following me into the kitchen. 

"I'm sorry about my brother love, but I must say it's nice to see Ashton get beaten by a girl" I looked at him as I held a water bottle close to my lips.

"A girl? I wouldn't underestimate me, Xavier, I could take you" He smirked as he ripped his tie off.

"Is that a challenge"

I shrug "Maybe"

"Interesting..." He mumbled to himself "Alright then follow me, but don't think I will go easy on you"

"I want something when I win" I placed my hand on his wrist to stop him.

"When you win? Confident, I like it. Are we taking bets now?" His eyebrow lifted as he eyed me up and down quickly.

Jace and Caleb walked in, both of them laughing at whatever. They just looked like normal guys who didn't have a worry in the world and that they wouldn't hurt a fly. But I know that they wouldn't hesitate in putting a bullet between your eyes if you crossed them.

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