Chapter 26: Oops

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Xavier looked at me as he listened to whoever on the other end of the phone, his eyes creasing in confusion then into anger. He pinched the bridge of his nose, which I've noticed him do a lot. I noticed his hand clenching his phone in a tight grip as he tried to calm down his breathing.

I'm glad I'm not that phone. 

Thank god the phone rang when he was about to kiss me! I have no idea what I would have done and I'm glad I don't have to find out now. I will only kiss him when I say I do. His eyes are beautiful chocolate brown, and all I kept thinking of was what it would feel like to run my fingers through his shiny, thick brown hair with his plump lips against mine.

I seriously need to get my hormones in check.

"Yeah I'll sort it, Rhett, no that's all for now. You might as well come back. We will need as many members as we can get for the ball. Bye," He threw his phone across the room and turned towards the window.

"Who's pissed you off?" I questioned, leaning against the door waiting for him to reply.

"You seriously need to be careful who you let into your gang" He ripped his tie off and started unbuttoning his shirt without looking at me, still gazing out the window.

I stepped towards him peering outside to see snow flowing down from the white cloudy sky, children laughing and playing in the park. Snowball fights, making snow angels and igloos. Some were eating it too, I just hope it isn't yellow snow.

"What are you on about, if this is about Jace then..."

"I'm not on about Jace I'm on about that idiot you were fucking"

My hand gripped his arm, the muscles tensing underneath as I pulled him round to look at me. Now his shirt was open revealing his toned chest and a well-divined six-pack. I focused back on his face keeping my eyes from wandering again, and luckily he didn't seem to notice. Xavier was too busy glaring at me, my hand still on his arm.

"What has Ryan got to do with this, he left. He's no longer apart of my gang anymore"

"Ryan has been working for him Hope, did you ever wonder how West knew where you were? I wouldn't be surprised if there were others from your gang that is working for him"

That can't be right surely, why would Ryan help West? And if they were working together then why did it take so long for him to get in contact. If it's true then he also knew about Miles being alive and my mother.

My jaw clenched from the realization that I've been played once again. I forgave Jace because he was protecting his family which I can completely understand, and I know it killed him to betray me but he wasn't working for West, he wasn't helping him to try and ruin me.

I gave Xavier one last look before storming towards his door and swinging it open, just wait till I get a hold of him. Ryan won't know what's coming, and I hope he's enjoying whatever life he has left because soon enough he will be six feet under and West will be joining him.

"Hope stop" I heard Xavier yell but I carried on, my hearing all muffled from my erratic heartbeat.

Before I could leave his room I felt my top being tugged, my back colliding with his bare chest, my breath hitched as I stood still. His hand lay on my hip as his other was wrapped around my arm. I felt his lips brush against my ear, his hot breath tickling my skin.

"Think rationally Hope, you can't just go storming in, you need a plan and we will work together you just have to trust me. Now I have a meeting, we will fly back to Canada tomorrow to find him. I'm giving you a day to be a normal teenager love"

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