Chapter 10: I Won't Hesitate To Break Your Fingers.

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"It was a pleasure doing business with you miss Carter"

I was sat in an office with numerous guns laid out all over the table making trades with one of my most common customers Draco Sanders who was the leader of the Vipers.

Lily and Oliver were stood just beside me as Ryan didn't want to be around me.

For the past week, he has avoided me, bringing endless girls home and too drunk to even remember his name half the time. I became sick of it and kicked him out which he gladly agreed to. Maybe relationships aren't for me, all three of them turned out to be dicks.

Lily and Brooke booked our flights for today as we are heading back to England to attend the grand ball where I will meet a very powerful mafia leader. Ashton will most likely be there as well as West who I am not looking forward to seeing after all this time.

His voice alone infuriated me.

Jace told me he didn't know much about Ashton, only that he has a little obsession with me for quite some time now. Which to be honest I find a little creepy with the age difference. He is good looking though, but he isn't much of a threat because he doesn't want to harm me just marry me.

At least now I know why he calls me Bambi.

No one has heard anything from my mother and apparently one of her little minions Rose from my old college has disappeared too. My uncle told me before he left that he thinks Michael, the one who tortured and stabbed me has left with her.

He went back to finish him off for what he did to me but he had left with no trace.

I miss Mila so much, not waking up to her cute smile every morning, or giving her a good night kiss as she slept peacefully in her bed. A piece of my heart broke when I had to send her away.

"The pleasure is all mine Draco, I hope you will be very pleased with the set of Dessert eagle pistons and the tracking point rifle" We both stood up at the same time as he placed a gentle kiss to my hand, sending me a flirty smile making Oliver scoff.

I glanced over my shoulder to give him a warning look.

Draco is a thirty-year-old man with dark skin to match his eyes. I know he has a son who is a bit older then my daughter, no he isn't married or anything just someone who impregnated a random girl he picked up from a bar.

Every time we have a meeting he always asks for me to join him for a fancy meal at one of his restaurants which I politely decline because he wants to do more than just talk.

"I am very impressed with my new collection but I should be going, I have some business to attend to. Goodbye Hope, I can't wait to do business again." I gave him a friendly smile and nod as he and his men left the room in silence.

When the door closed Lily slumped down in a chair whilst Oliver growled making me give him a questioning look.

"I hate that guy, how obvious can he be that he wants to get into your pants" He scoffed, Lily started laughing at him as I just rolled my eyes. 

"Why are you jealous, do you want to get into Hopes pants because I can assure you she won't say no... fuck Hope" I kicked her shin before she started blabbering out more shit to Oliver.

Since he told me all I had to do was ask for him to sleep with me and giving me a love bite that Lily would not stop pestering about till she found out who it was, he's been a complete tease.

"Wow you can cut the sexual tension with a knife in here, I have to go... Iron... my cat-" Then she bolted out of the room like she was on fire earning a chuckle from us.

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