Chapter 30: I see you.

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I woke up to the pungent smell of disinfectant, invading my nostrils. The room was silent apart from my slow breathing and the beeping of the monitors. The walls were a bright white, the sun was shining through the window.

Bloody hospitals, I hate them.

As I closed my eyes the memories came flooding back to me. My mother stabbing me like I meant absolutely nothing to her, the throbbing pain that spread through my body as she did it. How easily she slid the knife into me without hesitation.

Then my kiss with Jace, the way he looked at me as he saw me chained to the chair bleeding to death as he tried to keep me awake. Why did I kiss him? I have no idea, in my defense, I was ready to die. I remember how his lips felt against mine, it was a good kiss even though he didn't reciprocate it but there was no spark. Not like it was with Callum or I even dare say West.

Well, I think that answers my question on my feelings, even though I deeply care about him I don't love him. I don't love any of them and I never have. 

I'm not stupid, I see the way they all look at me like I'm a stranger. I'm not the same anymore, and loss can do that to you. Sometimes the darkness becomes too much and there's no one else there to help me through it, who understands it.

Xavier doesn't look at me like I'm broken, he doesn't try to fix me like I'm some sort of object. There's just something about him, and I'm determined to get to know him, the way he thinks, his likes and dislikes. I want to help him with his inner demons, face our enemies together as one.

Then I remembered what West told me, he's not been in charge and never has been. Everything he did was for a reason, must be a god damn good reason for killing someone I love and for betraying us all.

There will be a fight and we won't all make it but I am determined to make sure my daughter has the best life, away from all of this if I'm not around. 

My main goal is to kill every last person who threatens her life.

I tried moving to leave the bed, determined to go and find West if he hasn't been caught yet. He needs to tell me who is behind all of this, because if we find one I can find the other and put a stop to all of this. A pain stopped me causing me to hiss, my legs felt weak and my stomach was on fire.

The hospital door creaked open revealing Xavier, he wore some casual jeans with a dark blue fitted top. Veins ran down his arms, his hair messy and he was holding two cups of coffee. As soon as he noticed me his lips twitched slightly and he made his way over to me with determination in his step. He sat down on the chair next to my bed and his eyes locked with mine. 

His beautiful brown eyes with a hint of green swirling around the pupil. Even though they resembled Callums there was something different about them, there was something dark that drew me in. Callum's always lit up in excitement, the way he enjoyed and craved life. The light from the window ran across his face.

They say brown eyes are simple compared to the blues and greens but in the sun they arent brown. They are a copper against honey and sage and when they water the glow brightly. Two perfect orbs the same shade as nature after it rains.

"What," He said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"I like your eyes" Wait did I say that out loud?

He chuckled quietly and placed the coffees on the bedside table. Yep, I did in fact say that out loud.

"I like yours too" He smiled.

He actually smiled, a genuine smile showing off his pearly white straight teeth, his eyes shining as he did so. My heart leaped in my chest, I tried to brush away the feeling but it lingered and I could feel myself become warm.

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