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Night fell. It had been a pretty chill day. I had finished a book that I'd brought along. Yoongi and I had an awkward dinner with each other in our room. Soon, it was time to sleep. I had my unicorn onesie on. Ji Yeon used to tease me non-stop about my onesie collection. But to me, onesies are ageless. So, I shamelessly put it on.

I climbed into my bed and glanced over at Yoongi's bed. He was already under his blanket listening to some music on his phone through his headphones.

"Yoongi?" I called out. Yoongi paused and removed his headphones. His head turned to look at me.

"What?" he demanded.

"I'm going to turn the lights off now," I informed him. He nodded and put his headphones back on.

In the dark, I slowly drifted to sleep.


I woke up feeling extremely cold. My blanket wasn't much help. I could make out a lump on the other bed. Yoongi was sleeping peacefully. No doubt about that. I checked the time. It was 2AM.

It's so cold! It's okay Jae Rin. Just try to sleep. You won't notice the cold that way.

I snuggled deeper into my blanket but it didn't help. Quietly, I tip-toed out of bed and went in search of the remote control for the air conditioning. I couldn't find it.

My hands and face were starting to hurt from the cold. I needed warmth.

Left with no choice, I walked over to Yoongi. I crouched on the floor so that my face was in line with Yoongi's.

God, please be on my side. Don't let Yoongi be angry when I wake him up.

I placed a freezing hand on his shoulder and shook it gently. According to recent experiences, Yoongi was a light sleeper. He woke up easily.

"Yoongi-ah," I mummered. Yoongi shifted a bit before his eyes blinked open.

"Jae Rin? Why are you up?" Yoongi asked as he stared back at me crouching on the floor. A hint of concern was heard.

"I feel cold," I said. Yoongi suddenly grabbed my hands in his. I blushed at the sudden skinship. His hand wrapped around mine perfectly. His warm hand felt amazingly soft. His hand massaged mine gently as his eyes shone with concern.

"Pabo. You're freezing!" he muttered. I could only blush. He let go off my hand and got off his bed. I stood up as well.

"I can't find the remote. Try to sleep first, okay?" he asked. I nodded and went back to bed. My cheeks were warm to the touch thanks to my blush. However, the cold quickly returned.


My eyes blinked open. I quickly checked the time. 7AM. The manager told us to meet at the dining area of the hotel at 9AM for breakfast. There was enough light for me to see everything clearly. I noticed that Yoongi didn't have a blanket.

I suddenly realised that I felt suspiciously warmer than last night. I gasped as I jolted off my bed. My blanket slid off. But there was still a blanket on the bed.

Wait. I only have one blanket.

I grabbed the blanket on the bed and caught a whiff of my detergent. I then hesitantly picked the one off the floor. It smelled of sweet roses. I gasped again as I realised it was Yoongi's fragrance. Did he give me his blanket last night?!

I scurried over to Yoongi. I placed my hand on his milky forehead softly. The hot temperature made me yank my hand back. My brain started to piece things together.

Yoongi gave me his blanket because he was cold.
His forehead is ridiculously hot.

I clamped my hand over his forehead again. It was hot to the touch.

Yoongi got sick.

Due to the cold.

Because of me.

I felt guilty. I quickly ran into the toilet. I grabbed a hand towel and wet it with warm water. I wrung it so it wasn't dripping wet. I folded it neatly and headed back to Yoongi. I placed it on his forehead.

I sat on my bed as I admired how the sunshine highlighted his gorgeous features. My heart squeezed as I knew he was having a fever.

Yoongi groaned before blinking his eyes. I rushed over to him and crouched so that he didn't have to sit up to look at me.

"I'm so sorry that you had to give me your blanket!" I blurted. He simply gave a tiny smile that made my heart melt.

"Are you still cold?" his voice was hoarse.

"A little," I confessed. He sat up and the towel on his forehead dropped into his hands.

"I did that for you," I said and he nodded. He headed into the toilet.


Despite my concerns, Yoongi insisted that he was okay. After a filling breakfast, BTS, the manager and I were in a bus touring Sydney. The manager insisted that I get treated as great as BTS since his niece, Ji Yeon, was a best friend of mine.

It felt like a field trip since we were seated with our seatmates. I was seated at the window. It was relief as I whenever I tilted my head right, I came face to face with Yoongi. We were headed to a museum. The manager said the trip would take an hour and a half.

After half an hour, I grew extremely bored. Yoongi had his earphones in and his eyes were closed. I could tell he wasn't sleeping because his chest wasn't moving up and down slowly. Suddenly, Yoongi opened his eyes. I quickly averted my gaze. He'd caught me staring.

Surprisingly, he took a earphone out of his ear and gave it to me.

"Just plug this in and stop looking at me," he said dryly. I blushed in embarrassment. I thanked him and put the piece into my ear. The thought of me and Yoongi sharing earphones made me happy.

Don't you only share earphones with someone close?

Or is it just because he didn't like me staring at him?

I stopped my thoughts and focused on the music.


"Stick in your pairs. Meet back at the entrance in an hour," the manager said. We split up and started exploring the museum. It was truly fascinating. Yoongi walked alongside me and the times when our hands occasionally brushed with each other made me shiver.


"Yoongi, could you pass me the map?" I asked.

"Why?" Yoongi looked at me.

"I want to see where we are. An hour's almost up," I replied.

"I don't have the map," Yoongi's voice slurred.

"Didn't you take it from the manager before we split?!" I panicked. Yoongi gazed at me with his usual cold gaze.

"Weren't YOU supposed to take it?" Yoongi demanded.

You've got to be kidding me.

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