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The next day, I woke up smiling. Yoongi and I decided to sleep together. There wasn't any specific reason behind it but we did it anyways. I woke up to the sight of Yoongi's peaceful face. His pale skin, cute nose, red lips and big eyes. It felt kind of creepy to say, but I was happy that he was mine.

His eyes fluttered open.

"Why're you smiling so much?" Yoongi teased. I blushed slightly.

"Just happy to know that you're mine," I said softly but he heard me and blushed slightly. I moved to get up but something cold held my wrist down. I yelped as I fell back on the bed. I pulled my wrist up to see what the cold thing was.

"WHAT?!" I yelled. My left hand was handcuffed to Yoongi's right hand. Our hands were bound together with metal handcuffs. Yoongi sat up in alarm.

"I think I know what happened..." he sighed.

"What?!" I asked.

"I think the guys handcuffed us together..." he sighed. I facepalmed myself with my free hand.

"So now what?" I asked.

"I don't really mind being stuck with you. But my wrist is starting to hurt," Yoongi complained. I nodded in agreement.

We somehow managed to get ready and headed down for breakfast.

The members at the table glanced at our handcuffed hands and tried not to giggle.

"What the hell guys?!" Yoongi whined. Everyone burst out into laughter.

"Where's the key?!" I demanded impatiently.

"We'll give it to you later at night," Taehyung giggled.

"Why'd you do this?" I asked.

"We heard somewhere that handcuffing people together makes them bond together!" Jin said, his mouth full of pancakes.

I was secretly happy that I was stuck with Yoongi but my wrist was actually hurting pretty badly.

"Guys! Our wrists hurt!" Yoongi whined. Jimin smirked.

"Then you shouldn't get far apart from each other so the handcuffs won't pull against your wrists," Hoseok snickered. I blushed slightly but still moved closer to Yoongi. The metal wasn't making any more marks against my wrist.

"See? Just stay close and it won't hurt!" Taehyung smiled.

"Why is this necessary?!" I demanded. They all shrugged.

"We were bored," Jimin admitted shamelessly.

"Well then, I don't know about you but I'm hungry. Should we make breakfast seeing as they've already finished the pancakes?" Yoongi suggested. I nodded eagerly. I could feel the others burn holes through Yoongi's and my back.

"Guys. You can stop looking. We're just making breakfast," I said.

"We're not looking!" Jimin denied. I rolled my eyes.

"Hey, want to do something fun?" Yoongi whispered. I looked up at him quizzically. He put a bag of flour in front of me.

"Battle?" Yoongi grinned cheekily. I grabbed a handful of flour.

"I'm in," I smiled evilly. Yoongi grabbed a handful of flour and we spun around in sync. Everyone wore an expression of shock as the flour from our hands were flung over them. Yoongi and I were doubled over laughing.

"HEY! NO FAIR!" Jin yelled as he grabbed the flour.

Soon, there was a raging war going on. Flour was being thrown EVERYWHERE and people were shielding themselves using pillows and tables. Everyone was fully covered from head to toe in flour. It was a perfect mess. About half an hour later, we ran out of flour. All of us were breathless and the house was in a mess.

Yoongi chuckled.

"That's payback for the handcuffs," he smirked.

"Fine! We'll release you two!" Jungkook groaned as he ruffled his hair to get some flour out. Yoongi and I were soon able to stand ten feet away from each other.

"Feels good to be free," I commented.

"We should hire someone to clean this up because I am not going to clean this up," Namjoon said. Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Should we go camping while someone cleans this up?" Yoongi suggested.

"Yes!" I agreed happily.

After everyone cleaned up, we wore some slippers in the house to avoid getting covered in flour again. Taehyung had already hired three maids to clean the house up and everyone was piled up in a seven-seater mini-van.

"Who's driving?" I asked curiously. I saw Jin's head poke out from the driver's seat.

"Me!" he said happily. Jin was driving and Namjoon was sitting in the passenger seat. Taehyung and Jimin were in the second row, Jungkook and Hoseok were in the third row and Yoongi and I were at the back.

"Next stop, the middle of nowhere!" Jin announced. Everyone started to busy themselves since everyone knew that it would a long ride. I was sitting cross-legged.

"What they did with the handcuffs was ridiculous," I muttered. Yoongi chuckled.

"I agree," he hummed.

I dozed off soon after having a bag of chips.


"Rinnie-ah, wake up~" Yoongi mummered. I frowned slightly as I opened my eyes.

"Let me sleep..." I mumbled as I wanted to continue sleeping.

"We can get the tent up and then sleep," Yoongi said and I groaned. I got out of the mini-van. Everyone was getting their bags so Yoongi and I got ours.

"Alright everyone. This is the campsite. We'll set up our tents around here and meet back at the van for dinner!" Taehyung instructed and everyone dispersed. Yoongi and I quickly found a nice spot to set our tent up.

After a few hours (YES! SETTING UP A TENT AIN'T EASY!), we managed to lie down breathlessly in the tent.

"THAT. TOOK. FOREVER!" I complained. Yoongi could only manage a nod as he was tired as well. Despite our aching bodies, we still managed to set our bags and sleeping bags in the tent.

"Let's go!" I exclaimed after Yoongi zipped up our tent. Hand in hand, we walked over to the van. There was a campfire nearby and everyone was sitting around it.

"So many mosquitoes!" Hoseok whined.

"Where's the food?!" Jin asked as he exited the van.

"I can't find it! Namjoon! Help me!" Jin ordered and Namjoon headed into the van with him. Yoongi and I joined the rest around the crackling fire. It was completely dark apart from the light that the fire gave off. Suddenly, Jungkook noticed a set of red beady eyes in the darkness.

"G-Guys... What's t-t-that...?" Jungkook trembled as he got up and clung on tightly to Jimin's hand. My heart pounded furiously and my grip tightened on Yoongi's hand when I saw the eyes.

A big furry figure emerged.

"BEAR!" Taehyung screamed.


Author's Note:
Sorry for the weird start (the handcuffing) and the rushed decisions made by the characters to go camping. I promise I'll try to make this story more smooth! Anyways... OMG THANK YOU SO SO SO SO MUCH FOR 100 READS FOR THIS STORY!!!!!!!!

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