Roomies. Again.

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It has been a week since we returned to Korea. It has also, according to Ji Yeon, been "forever" since we had a sleepover even though we lived together. So, to satisfy Ji Yeon's whining, I agreed to do all the things you do in a proper sleepover with her. Tonight was the night.

I was groaning as I dragged my blanket and pillow into Ji Yeon's room. Ji Yeon stamped her foot impatiently.

"Hurry up! Or else we won't be able to have a pillow fight!" Ji Yeon complained as she sat cross-legged on her bed. I stopped and straightened up as I gasped for air.

"Jinnie! My room is RIGHT NEXT to yours! Why did I have to bring my stuff here?!" I groaned. She smirked as she helped me lay my mattress and stuff beside her bed.

"You promised me a sleepover!" Ji Yeon said. I rolled my eyes but couldn't suppress my smile. Jinnie was so stubborn.

Soon, we were into the sleepover. We were currently lying on the floor of our living room, our faces were covered with face masks and two slices of cucumbers were on our eyes. I sighed in pleasure. It was peaceful and relaxing.

"Rinnie?" Ji Yeon called out. I hummed in response.

"Eomma wants me to go to U.S. for a few months," she said. I sat up straight. My face mask and cucumbers flew off.

"WHAT?!" I shrieked. Jinnie sighed before sitting up and removing the things on her face.

"I can't leave you here alone so I made an arrangement with my uncle," Ji Yeon continued. I started freaking out.

"You'll be living with BTS till I come back," Ji Yeon said. I was too shocked to react.

"Why're you leaving?!?!" I cried out as I hugged her tightly. She wheezed and I released her.

"It's only a few months. I'll text and call you every day, okay?" Ji Yeon assured me. I pouted.

"I'll make it up to you when I return with food!" she cooed. My eyes lit up.

"Okay, deal!" I immediately said. She laughed.


I had just sent Ji Yeon off at the airport. I cried a bit because I would miss her a lot. She was very close to me. I trudged back to the car that was going to bring me to my new "home". I climbed into the car and the manager greeted me at the driver's seat. My luggage was piled behind.

"Ready?" he asked. I nodded.

"It's okay, Jae Rin. Ji Yeon will return soon!" he chirped. I simply sighed.

Sooner than I would have liked, I reached the house. It was huge. No surprise though because it had to house seven people, and now eight. The manager dropped my baggage at the front door.

"I already informed them," he said. I nodded and thanked him for the ride. He left. I took a deep breath.

Here goes nothing...

I rang the doorbell. Silence. I became nervous. Did they forget that I was coming? Suddenly, the door flung open. Jungkook was holding the doorknob as he panted.

"Sorry, noona!" he apologised. I giggled as I peered inside. The interior was stunning. Jungkook somehow managed to carry all my stuff as he led me inside to the living room. Six of them were there, staring at me. Well, except for Yoongi. He was fast asleep.

Taehyung got up and immediately hugged me.

"Welcome!" he gave me his boxish grin. I smiled back.

"We're all living in pairs. Except Yoongi. So you're living with him," Jin explained. My heart sank. Again?! Why's it always him? I mean, he isn't a horrible roommate. But he's just not fun!

Trying to be grateful, I nodded and gave a small smile.

"We're going out to the amusement park but we think you might want to spend some time getting to know this place and your roomie better," Jimin grinned. I groaned internally.

"Okay," I mumbled. All six members quickly exited as I was left with my luggage and a sleeping Yoongi. I sighed.

I guess I'm bringing all these up myself...

I started to haul my baggage up the flight off stairs.

When I opened the door to my room, I wasn't quite surprised. A half of the room was neatly tidied while the other looked like it hadn't been touched. I left my bag there and turned around to grab my last luggage. Suddenly, I heard the door close.

Yoongi had just entered, with my luggage.

"Your luggages are so heavy! Why didn't you ask for help?" he asked. I shrugged.

"Thank you," I said as I took my luggage. After I had settled down, Yoongi called me. I walked over to my bed and sat down, facing him who was also sitting on his bed.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Here's the rules. We're sharing a bathroom, don't disturb me when I'm asleep, there's food in the kitchen and if you need help, ask Hoseok. He'll help," Yoongi said sleepily. I nodded and he lay down and started dozing away.

I decided to explore the house so I quietly left the room.

As I climbed down the stairs, I slipped and tumbled down. At the bottom of the stairs, my ankle *CONVINIENTLY* twisted. I screamed as I landed on the cold hard floor.

I hissed in pain as I grabbed my throbbing ankle. Tears of pain trickled down my face and my cheek was pressed against the floor.


Author's Note:
Sorry for this rushed chatper. Do let me know if I'm going to fast or slow!

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