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The next day flew by fast since BTS had a concert. Their makeup was superb, not going to lie. Dinner was okay though I wasn't really hungry which was a surprise. The manager told us to get back to the hotel quickly as we were flying back to Korea the day after tomorrow. Tomorrow was a day where we could explore Australia on our own with our roomies. I doubted that I'd be going anywhere.


Before I went to bed, I made a horrific discovery. It was **THAT** time of the month again.

"Thank God I brought my toiletries," I muttered. When I it was that time of the month, I seldom had stomach cramps, although when I did, it was extremely painful.

On the bright side, Yoongi and I were apparently able to coexist in peace! That was a huge relief. I got my matching pajamas on and snuggled into my bed. I watched Yoongi as he got into bed and switched off the lights.

"Good night, Yoongi," I whispered before I could stop myself. I felt like we'd reached that level of friendship whereby we wished each other good night. Either that, or I was extremely sleepy to think straight.


"Good night, pabo," I heard Yoongi's deep voice. My heart screamed in joy. He replied! I fell into a deep sleep while grinning like an idiot. In my heart, there was a MAJOR party going on.


Two warm hands gripped my shoulder lightly.

"Rinnie-ah," Yoongi cooed. I frowned slightly in my sleep.

What kind of a dream is this?

Why the hell is Yoongi calling me "Rinnie"?

Are we speaking informally now?

I groaned slightly as I sat up and rubbed my eyes.

"What?" I demanded when I realised that Yoongi was really waking me up.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"It's 12am," he replied.

"Why're you up?" I asked.

"I can't sleep. I want to go for a walk in the park. Do you want to come?" Yoongi asked as he sat on the edge of my bed. I snorted.

"You? You, Min Yoongi, can't sleep?! Now I've heard it all," I teased. Yoongi frowned.

"If you didn't want to go, you could have just said so," he grumbled as he got up. I chuckled and the corners of his mouth lifted a bit.

"I'll come. Let me get into warmer clothes first," I said and he nodded.


Yoongi and I were literally the only ones in the park.

"Yah, why's your hair down? It's blowing into your eyes. People are going to think you're a ghost!" Yoongi chided me. I shrugged my shoulders.

"Too lazy to tie my hair," I mumbled.

"Your hair's distracting me," Yoongi complained and stopped walking. I looked up at him.

"What's the big deal?" I whined. He glared at me.

"Do you have a rubber band?" he asked. I shook my head. He sighed and reached into his pocket and pulled out a rubber band.

"Hey! That looks like my rubber band!" I we exclaimed.

"It is. You left it on the plane," Yoongi stated.

"And now you're just taking it wherever you go?" I questioned. He nodded sheepishly. I let out a giggle.

"Stay still," he muttered. He walked behind me and I felt the warmth radiating off him. His warm breath caressed my neck. His soft hands gathered my hair before pulling it up into a ponytail. All the way, I held my breath. I'd never had a boy tie my hair before.

Somehow, the fact that Yoongi kept my rubber band and was tying my hair made tingles go down my spine. In a good way. Yoongi came back beside me.

He cupped my face in his warm hands. Taken aback, I froze and calmed my beating heart. He examined my face before breaking out into his gummy smile and releasing me.

"I did a pretty good job considering I'd never tied somewhere's hair before," he praised himself. I self-consciously patted the top of my head to smooth out any bumps. There weren't any. I grinned at him.

"You did a pretty good job," I commented.

We continued walking when I suddenly remembered that I was on my menstruation. A horrible pain striked me near my stomach. I couldn't stifle a small gasp as I clutched my stomach in pain. Yoongi, who was in the middle of his small speech, looked at me in concern.

"Are you okay, pabo?" he asked. I nodded with a weak smile. He eyed me wearily as he continued talking. My grip on my stomach tightened as the cramp worsened.

I can't take this. Stop walking. NOW!

I stopped walking while clutching my stomach and clenching my jaw. Yoongi stopped two feet in front of me and turned around. He walked towards me and looked at me worriedly.

"You're not okay! Did you eat something bad?" Yoongi questioned. I shook my head as another cramp came. I squeezed my eyes shut at the pain. My warm hand wasn't warm enough. My eyes somehow landed on Yoongi's hand but I averted my gaze.

Yoongi's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Oh! Are you on your..." he trailed off. I nodded quicky. He gave me a quick hug.

"Yah! Why did you agree to come when you're having your... Thing? Pabo!" he chided. He quickly led me to a bench and made me sit down. He crouched down in front me instead of sitting next to me so that he was slightly looking up at me.

His eyes were filled with concern.

"Can I help with anything to ease the pain?" he asked. I thought.

"No," I said.

"Can I piggy-back you to the hotel?" Yoongi asked.

"That would only make the pain worse," I apologised. He was so caring that it caught me off guard.

"Can I carry you back? I don't want you to walk," he said. I shook my head in embarrassment. He sighed.

"It's just for a while, okay? You can trust me," he assured me. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Fine but if I fall and die it's your fault," I teased.

"Then I'll be happy that you died," Yoongi joked. I shot him a glare.

"Yah! You want to die today?!" I threatened him. He simply chuckled. He quickly carried me. Bridal style. I felt awkward since both my hands were clutching my stomach. I felt my feet lift off the ground as Yoongi stood.

"Why are you so heavy, pabo?" Yoongi grumbled. I glared at him.

"Just kidding!" he quickly said.

The rest of the trip to the hotel, he kept his eyes ahead of him and his gaze flickered down to me frequently to ensure I was okay. I felt safe and protected in his arms. I buried my head into his chest and inhaled his sweet rosy scent.

Yoongi-ah, what are you doing to my heart?

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