Ferris Wheel

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After pretending to sleep, I really did sleep. I woke up to find out that dinner was going to be instant noodles. The eight of us gathered in the living room with the cup noodles in our hands. Everyone surrendered the couch for Yoongi to lie down and eat.

"So, Yoongi, where do you want to go for your birthday?" Jin asked.

Birthday? Oh, right! Yoongi's birthday is on the 9 March! I want to give him a card. Maybe I should write it tonight so I can give it to him tomorrow?

Yoongi shrugged.

"Maybe we can go to the ferris wheel?" he mumbled sleepily. Everyone nodded in agreement.

Jae Rin. You're claustrophobic. The ferris wheel cabins are tiny. You might faint. But don't be a party pooper!

I decided that I didn't want to ruin Yoongi's wish for his birthday so I nodded weakly.


It was Yoongi's birthday! Everyone gathered in the living room with our gifts for Yoongi early in the morning as that was when Yoongi was the most awake.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" we yelled as he trudged down. His hands flew over his ears.

"Yah! Do you want me to become deaf?!" he complained but a smile was on his beautiful lips. I grinned seeing him happy. He sat down and we piled the gifts on him.

"Thanks for the Gucci, TaeTae," Yoongi smiled gratefully.

"How'd you know it was me?!" Taehyung whined as everyone chuckled.

"Jam?" Yoongi asked as he looked at Namjoon. Namjoon smiled, showing his dimples off.

"Yup! You got jams!" Namjoon grinned as Jimin pouted. Finally, he reached my gift. He opened it. I'd bought him a plain transparent phone case. I had decorated it myself. It had a capital 'Y' that was decorated. I also included a note.

"Do you like it?" I asked sheepishly as Yoongi remained quiet. He suddenly rushed over to me and embraced me. I caught a whiff of his sweet rosy scent.

"OOOOOOOOOOH!" everyone clapped as Yoongi pulled away.

Is it natural for him to just give hugs?

I blushed. Yoongi's gummy smile widened.

"I've always wanted a phone case since Namjoon broke mine!" he squealed.

Hold up. Min Yoongi just squealed.

Namjoon pouted but I blushed harder. The hug was giving me a heart attack. Usually I was the one who iniated a hug or conversation with him. He started to read the note. He smiled afterwards.

"Thank you, pabo-ah," he cooed as he hurriedly put the phone case on. I blushed.

Does he really like it that much?

I was on cloud nine for the rest of the day. The cake was nice and everything. But then...

Night fell and we were waiting for our turn to get on the ferris wheel. Knowing that the cabin was so small that only two people can fit in it, my palms got sweaty. We all agreed to go with our roomies.

Everyone had already gotten on and a worker had just ushered Yoongi and me into the tiny glass cabin. If I scoooted in closer, my knees would be touching Yoongi's. We were sitting opposite each other.

It's okay, Jae Rin. This ride is only for an hour.

That was how long the ride was. The cabin went painfully slow. The wheel itself was ginornous!

I was staring out the glass as it was awkward to stare at Yoongi.

"It's beautiful," I awed.

"Mmhm," Yoongi replied, but I didn't notice that he was focusing on me the whole time. As we reached the top, the realisation that I was in an insanely cramped placed got my heart racing. I felt dizzy.

"Yoongi...?" I tried to focus my vision but it went blurry.

"Rinnie? Are you okay?" Yoongi asked, steadying me by my shoulders as I was swaying from side to side.

"Are you claustrophobic?!" Yoongi freaked out. I managed to nod before I went limp. Yoongi hugged me tightly and his sweet rosy scent made me more alert.

"Why did you come along?!" Yoongi nagged as he patted my back soothingly. His head was rested on mine and my face was buried in his chest. His shirt was soft, warm and welcoming.

"I didn't want to ruin your birthday. I'm sorry that I always ruin things for you," I muttered as tears flowed.

After all his torture, he gets to enjoy himself but I keep ruining it for him.

Yoongi felt his shirt getting wet but he didn't pull away.

"Yah! Why are you crying? It's not your fault," he comforted me as he pulled away and wiped my tears away. His warm fingers sent shivers down my spine.

"I'll continue hugging you till we reach the end, okay? Just don't focus on the space and more on me, okay?" he asked while blushing as he asked the last question. I nodded.

His warm arms wrapped around me and I almost felt asleep in his lovely embrace. His strong arms made me feel protected.

Soon, we reached. Yoongi pulled away from me as we neared the end. Suddenly, he planted a warm kiss on my forehead. I blushed.

OMG!!! HE KISSED ME! I mean, not on the lips, obviously, BUT STILL!

"Don't force yourself to do things like this for me, okay?! You make me worried!" he chided me.

Wait. I make him worried?!

I blushed harder. My heart palpitated.

As I got off, I was smiling like an idiot. The members started walking off, assuming that we were following them. Since the house wasn't far from here, we were walking. Before we followed them, I gave Yoongi a hug.

"What was that for?" Yoongi asked in amusement as he chuckled. I grinned as I studied his beautiful face. The way his soft eyes and slightly pale lips stood out against his pale and slightly cold face was mesmerising. I could stare into his eyes for eternity. His face was perfection.

"Thank you for just now," I said and his gummy smile widened. Noticing that the others were pretty far away, I grabbed his warm hand in mine and ran. He ran with me till we were about three metres away from the rest.

We were giggling like teenagers. Although we were now at walking speed, I still held on to his hand as I swung our hands gently.

It's like our hands were made for each other. If only I could hold his hand forever...

"Still holding on to my hand?" he teased.

"Is it okay if I hold your hand till we get home?" I asked sheepishly. I didn't want to let go of this amazing feeling. My heart was beating rapidly. The night was strangely like a date. Yoongi smiled widely.

"Of course," he said gently.

So we walked hand in hand back home.

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