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"Yoongi?" I looked at him worriedly as Taehyung rushed back out.

"I-I gotta go," he muttered before dashing out. Chae Jin? Who's SHE? I stood by the doorframe of our room and tried to peek at the door but I couldn't really see so I walked to the living room and "casually" sat on the couch.

I pulled out my phone and pretended to be searching up some stuff while I was actually looking at the members at the door through my side view. I soon found the view annoying and fully tilted my head to look. Everyone was too engrossed in the person at the door to notice me. I admit, I felt a bit hurt and neglected.

I saw a brown-haired girl who was in tears. No lie, she looked pretty. Anger and jealousy burned through me inside-out when she envelopes Yoongi in what seemed like a more-than-friendly hug.

"I missed you so much, oppa," she sobbed. I gawked. Who's she to hug him?! I continued glaring from the couch. The members looked a bit awkward. They greeted the girl uneasily. What shocked and hurt me the most was when Yoongi hugged her back and stroked her hair.

"I missed you too, Chae Jin," he cooed. I was utterly and completely shocked to the core. What's... Happening? Yoongi only hugs ME like that. Yoongi only talks to ME like that. So... Why does it feel like I'm no longer special...?

I blinked away tears furiously as I forced myself to keep watching though my hands were getting clammy.

"I'm staying at my friend's house for now, but I promise I'll visit you every day, okay?" she gave a sweet smile. She's perfect. I guess I'm not. Yoongi nodded eagerly and a tear escaped my eyes.

"I'm so glad you remembered about me. Remember when you took me out to that river on our last date before I left? Do you want to go there again tonight?" she asked. Yoongi instantly nodded and smiled.

Wait. The last date before she left. They didn't break up. They're still... Together? Was I just a distraction for Yoongi to get over her?! Did he just let me become his girlfriend until she returned?!

I wiped my tears away and before I could stop myself, I raced back to my room. I scribbled a quick note telling the members that I wouldn't be back till night. I quickly changed into a black hoodie and black jeans. I could still hear their happy voices.

I tried not to let the tears blur my eyes as I opened the window. I carefully scaled down. The ground soon invited me and I ran. I didn't bother punching in the code to open the gate because it created a loud noise. I didn't want attention. Especially from Yoongi right now. I climbed over the gate and ran.

I had to go somewhere. The pain was killing me. In my hurry, I neglected my phone and wallet. I had no water and no food. All I had were the broken pieces of my heart and a gallon of unanswered questions. I soon found myself walking towards Eomma and Appa.

The sun was setting as I walked through the gates of the cemetery. I regretted not bringing anything for my parents but I was too overwhelmed. I finally collapsed on my knees in front of their graves that were next to each other. The wind ruffled my hair gently as tears poured down.

"Eomma... Appa... How are you?" I sniffled.

"I met a great guy," I hicupped.

"But I don't know how I feel anymore," I sobbed as tears stung my eyes.

"I miss you... Saranghae (I love you)..." I said as I crossed my legs and stared at the stones. I talked to Eomma and Appa about Yoongi. It helped soothe me. Just a little.

Just then, a tiny hand touched me. I jolted slightly as my puffy eyes made out the shape of a little boy.

"Noona, why are you crying?" the little boy asked. I sniffled.

"It's okay. I'm fine. I miss my parents," I said. The boy nodded as he sat next to me.

"I miss mine too," he sighed.

"Why?" I asked. He shrugged.

"My aunt said that they had to go to this place called Heaven and that they loved me," he said. Oh... His parents... They died too...

"I'm sure they do," I assured him. His big eyes filled with tears.

"Then why won't they come back to me?" he cried out. My heart broke even more.

"I promise you will see them again," I said.

"Promise?" he asked. I nodded.

"I promise," I said.

"Let's go, noona. It's late," he said.

"Okay. You go first, I'm right behind you," I told him. He bade me farewell and left. I said goodbye to Eomma and Appa before walking back home.


Is Chae Jin still there?


I managed to sneak into my room quietly. The house was quiet as everyone was asleep. I even saw Yoongi's figure in a deep slumber. My heart sank when I saw him but I shook off my feelings. I decided to sleep on my own bed tonight. I didn't feel like sleeping with Yoongi. I just changed my jeans into more comfy pants before getting into bed.

Ten minutes passed but I still couldn't sleep.

"Jae Rin? Are you awake?" Yoongi suddenly asked softly. I froze. I didn't want to answer him. My heart beat faster.

"Why did you come home so late? I was so worried about you. I went looking for you around the whole neighbourhood," he continued. It was then I realised that he didn't know I was listening. He was saying his thoughts out because "I was sleeping".

"I was worried sick about you. I hope you can tell me what happened tomorrow," Yoongi sighed. Tears slid down my face and I clamped a hand over my mouth to stop myself from sobbing because I wasn't a silent crier.

I thought I was doing well for concealing my sobs but I soon felt Yoongi rush over and crouch next to me. He removed my hand from my mouth and saw the sparkling tears run down my face. I cried harder seeing him. It hurt to know that he wasn't mine.

"Why are you crying?" Yoongi's voice cracked due to sadness.

"Why are you trying to hide your cries from me?" Yoongi looked at me. I squeezed my eyes shut, refusing to be hypnotised by his eyes. I clamped a hand over my mouth again.

"I'm sorry for disturbing you with my cries. Go back," it sounded more like a demand. Yoongi gently pried my hand off again.

"It's okay. Just cry. It's good to let it out," Yoongi soothed me. His eyes said everything I needed to know. He wanted to know why I was crying but wanted me to calm down first.

My sobs soon stopped and I felt mentally exhausted.

"Why were you crying?" Yoongi asked gently.

"You..." I mumbled.

"Huh?" he asked. I shook my head.

He wouldn't understand. He's too busy with Chae Jin.

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