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The best day came. Hani's friends invited her to stay with them. I was overjoyed. No more annoying Hani clinging to me. However, that also meant that Jae Rin wouldn't be sleeping with me anymore. I had gotten used to the sounds of her breathing guiding me to sleep.

I somehow didn't know how to break the habit of ignoring her. More than two weeks had passed and I felt more lifeless everyday without Jae Rin.

Today was a Saturday. A day off. The members all went to an amusement park. Jae Rin stayed at home to chat with Ji Yeon since they were both free that day. Jungkook, surprisingly, stayed at home, claiming that he wanted to read some books. As much as I wanted to stay and eavsdrop on Jae Rin's conversation, the maknae had other plans for me.

As soon as I walked into the living room, Jungkook dragged me out the door.

"What the hell? I can walk you know?" I grumbled as he pulled me into his car. He remained silent as he turned on the engine and drove off. I stayed quiet in the passenger seat, staring at the beautiful scenery.

Jae Rin's more beautiful than this scenery.

Soon, Jungkook pulled up at a dock. I got out of the car and followed Jungkook onto a yacht.

Since when did he get a yacht?!

He gestured for me to sit somewhere as he maneuvered the yacht into the middle of nowhere. All I saw was water and more water. Jungkook told me to stand up and together, we leaned on the railing and stared into the sea.

"Why'd you bring me here?" I questioned.

"Give me a moment," Jungkook said and he came back with a jar of beans. I snorted in amusement. Jungkook silenced me with a glare. I zipped my lips.

"You're different," Jungkook said. I stopped leaning against the railing.

"How so?" I asked, though I realised that the change in my behavior every since I ignored Jae Rin was painfully drastic. Jungkook rolled his eyes.

"You've been ignoring Jae Rin," he stated bluntly. I blinked. He knew?

"So?" I retorted. The maknae sighed.

"Hyung, I might not be an expert at love, but I think you like noona," he said. I tried to calm my heart.

"No!" I denied.

"You're just unsure of how you feel about her. I'm telling you that you love her. The way you look, talk and act around her shows me that you love her," Jungkook continued. I remained quiet and stared out at the ocean.

"You feel jealous because she's been around Jimin," he said. I found myself nodding.

"Sometimes, when I feel troubled or have any worries, I come out here," he said. I nodded again.

So why am I here?

"Here. Take some of these beans," Jungkook said as he held the jar out to me. I felt like this was childish but I did as I was told. I took a handful of the beans and Jungkook did likewise.

"You have two choices with these beans. Watch me," Jungkook said. He threw a bean from his hand out into the sea.

"I'll have chicken rice for dinner," Jungkook as the bean fell into the water.


"I'll have ramen for dinner," Jungkook said as he threw another bean. He repeated the process. He said that he'd have chicken rice then threw a bean and said that he'd have ramen then threw a bean. I began to understand what he was doing.

"I'll have ramen for dinner," Jungkook said as he threw his last bean. He looked at me, grinning.

"So?" I was confused. He chuckled.

"So, the beans said that I should have ramen for dinner. Do the same! Give yourself two choices. The beans will help you choose," Jungkook said.

This is silly. But I guess I'll give it a go.

"Confess to Jae Rin," I whispered as I threw a bean. Jungkook nodded as he heard my first option.

"Forget about Jae Rin," I said my second option and threw a bean. I repeated the process.

"Confess to Jae Rin," I said and threw the second last bean.

Wait... I looked at the last bean in my palm that hadn't been thrown yet. If I throw this, I choose to forget Jae Rin...

I hesitated. Even though the game was silly, I didn't really want to forget about Jae Rin. I really wished that I had another bean after the one in my palm. I ended up staring at the bean in my hand.

Jungkook smiled.


If hyung really wanted to forget about Jae Rin and didn't love her, he'd have thrown the bean already! Hehehe~ I'm so smart!

Maybe I SHOULD be a love expert. Knowing that Yoongi wanted another bean, I bent down and took a bean from the jar without Yoongi noticing.

"Here. This bean dropped," I said casually as I placed it in his palm. A small smile spread across his face.


As I stared at the two beans, I felt strangely happy.

Confess to Jae Rin.

I closed my palm and pocketed the two beans.

"Thank you, Jungkook!" I cried out as I hugged the shocked maknae.

"Errrr... That's great, hyung, but you can let go now," Jungkook said and I pulled away sheepishly.

"Can we get back now? I need to tell Jae Rin something," I said shyly. Jungkook's bunny smile widened and we were soon back at the house.

"I already occupied the rest. You have the whole house to yourself for the whole night. Fighting!" Jungkook patted my back as he left me alone at the front door.

Man, I owe that kid big time.

I crept inside. I couldn't hear any noise.

Good. Jae Rin isn't talking to Ji Yeon.

I walked inside the room and turned on the lights. I saw Jae Rin huddled up in a circle on her bed. Tears were streaming down her beautiful face. My heart dropped.

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