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Screams erupted. Yoongi gripped my hand firmly. The bear roared and started to stomp towards us.

"RUN!" Hoseok yelled in fear. He took off with Jungkook while Taehyung and Jimin scurried off together. Yoongi held my hand tightly as we took off. The bear was chasing on of our groups, but I didn't have time to check which group. I started panting as Yoongi stopped.

"Where are we?" I asked fearfully. I looked around us. Trees and more trees. It was completely dark and no moonlight could filter through the dense trees. My hand started to get cold as my body temperature dropped rapidly. Yoongi noticed.

"You're getting cold!" he exclaimed. I could barely nod as I tried to make out his face in the dark.

"I'm scared..." I stuttered. He drew circles on my hand comfortingly.

"It's okay. Let's get up a tree first okay? It's unlikely that a bear can climb," Yoongi suggested. I nodded quickly. We quickly found a sturdy tree. Yoongi made his way up easily and lent me a hand to climb up. I never would have thought that I would be sitting on top of a tree with Yoongi before.

The way the branches interwined with each other was so complex that it supported our weight. It felt like a circular bed with leaves. I shivered as I rubbed my hands together. I was grateful that both Yoongi and I were wearing long-sleeved shirts and full-length jeans.

"Are you cold?" I asked worriedly. My teeth were chattering due to the cold.

"Yah! You're going to freeze. Come closer. We can share our body heat. It won't be so bad that way," Yoongi said. I moved closer to him and he wrapped his strong warm arms around me. I felt protected as I inhaled his sweet rosy scent. My face was buried in his chest and his head rested on mine as I hugged him tightly.

"Why're you so warm?" I exclaimed.

"I'm blushing so I guess I'm warmer..." Yoongi confessed.

"Why are you blushing?" I asked curiously.

"I've never hugged someone so much or felt such strong emotions before," he replied. I was glad that my face was hidden from his because I started to blush very badly.

"You're blushing too, aren't you?" Yoongi teased.

"Aniyo!" I denied.

"Pabo! My chest is getting warm due to your cheeks," Yoongi chuckled.

"Whatever," I muttered but I was smiling.

"How long do we have to stay up here for?" I asked.

"Until we make sure that the bear is gone. Then we can head back to the van," Yoongi said.

"Where's the van?" I asked.

"I can see it in the distance. It's not that far," Yoongi assured me.

Eventually, I fell asleep in Yoongi's embrace. Unfortunately, he woke me up.

"Don't fall asleep. You could die when you're sleeping," Yoongi said.

"Why?" I yawned.

"Something to do with the cold. You tend to die when sleeping when it's very cold," he explained. I frowned.

"Thanks for telling me that after I fell asleep," I said sarcastically. He chuckled.

"I think we can go now," he whispered. I nodded. He made his way down and helped me down as well. We walked back to the van hand in hand.


"YOU'RE ALIVE!" Jimin shrieked as soon as Yoongi and I were inside the van. We had a group hug.

"We were so worried when we heard the screams!" Jin chided. Namjoon nodded.

"And it was super scary when it suddenly went all quiet!" Namjoon added.

"The bear was chasing us but we lost it," Taehyung shuddered as Hoseok trembled.

"Uhhh... Yeah... Nice talk. Ummm... Can we get going now?" I hurried Jin.

"Yeah. I don't think we should stay," Jungkook agreed. Everyone nodded and we were off.


"Pabo-ah, wake up," I heard Yoongi's soothing voice. I stirred awake. I noticed that everyone was asleep except Jin, Yoongi and me.

"What?" I mumbled. Yoongi pointed out the window.

"I want to watch the sunrise with you," Yoongi smiled as he held onto my hand. I looked out the window. It was truly magnificent. The way the warm hues blended together were breathtaking. It felt a bit romantic.

But, after a few minutes, my gaze turned to Yoongi.

He was more beautiful than any sunrise or sunset.


Everyone had unpacked and were chilling in their respective rooms. Yoongi and I were just lying down on his bed, staring at the ceiling while talking. It was pretty therapeutic.

"Soooo... How was your childhood like?" Yoongi mumbled.

"You know... Parents got into a car crash. I got orpahned. Ji Yeon's parents decided to take me in," I said, my voice cracking a bit due to emotion.

"Oh... I'm sorry..." Yoongi whispered.

"It's okay. At least you know now," I said.

"At least you had people who loved you," Yoongi mummered. I titled my head to look at him.

"What was that?" I asked.

"Nothing..." Yoongi sighed. It's definitely something. Deciding to drop the topic, I nodded. I gave him a small smile and he returned it. We interwined our fingers and we fell into a comfortable silence.

I'm so lucky to get to call such an amazing person mine. I must have been amazing in my past life to deserve Yoongi.

Suddenly, Taehyung came bursting into the room. Yoongi and I jolted up, hands still interlocked.

"Yoongi!" Taehyung's face was pale and he looked extremely anxious.

"Yes?" Yoongi drawled. Taehyung gulped.

"It's Chae Jin," he muttered. Yoongi's hands left mine as his jaw dropped.

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