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The cold hard floor made my pain even more worse. I tried not to clutch too hard onto my ankle. I heard hurried footsteps getting louder and louder as black spots swam in front of me.

"Jae Rin?!" I heard Yoongi's panicked voice. My eyes squeezed shut as the pain rippled through me. I felt someone crouch beside me. I forced my eyes open and came face to face with Yoongi. His eyes were widened and he looked like he just woke up.

"What happened?!" he asked in panic.

"I fell..." I managed to say before the pain worsened. Yoongi bit his bottom lip in contemplation.

"I'm going to carry you up so I can bandage your ankle, okay?" he asked for my permission. I quickly nodded. He instantly carried me bridal style and hurried up the stairs.

Soon, the warm and soft bed welcomed my aching body, unlike the cold hard floor. Yoongi quickly set to work.


I was having a dream when a scream pierced through the silence. I frowned in my sleep as I groaned. I propped myself up. Feeling a bit disturbed and irritated, I ruffled my hair and made my way down the stairs.

I already told Jae Rin to not disturb me!

Just then, I came face to face with the most heart-breaking sight. Jae Rin lay crumpled on the ground, her hands clutching onto her ankle. My heart froze and my breath hitched as worry crashed down on me. My face paled.

"Jae Rin?!" I panicked as I ran and crouched beside her. Her eyes were squeezed shut but they soon opened.

"What happened?!" I quickly asked.

"I fell..." she whispered. I bit on my bottom lip as I stared at her pitiful state.

Why is she so clumsy?! She could have injured her brain or even died! Thank goodness she has just sprained her ankle.

I asked her if I could carry her to the room to tend to her injury and she agreed. I carried her petite body in my arms for the second time. I hurried up the stairs, not wanting her to be in any more pain.

Once we reached the room, I gently placed her on her bed and proped her ankle up on a soft pillow. I then sprinted to get some bandages and an ice pack. I dragged a chair over so that I was right beside her ankle.

Her eyes were squeezed tight in pain and my heart broke at seeing her in pain.

I carefully wrapped her ankle in the bandage, furrowing my eyebrows in concentration. I was so focused that I didn't notice Jae Rin's soft eyes looking at me. I then proceeded to place the ice pack on the bandaged ankle. Worry never left my heart.

I looked up at her.

"Is it better?" I asked worriedly. She nodded and I felt slightly relieved.

"Don't be so clumsy, pabo! You could have died!" I chided her for making me so concerned. I'd never been so worried for ANYONE in my life until this girl came! She nodded sheepishly and uttered a word of thanks. My heart fluttered when she gave me that adorable smile of hers. I returned her gesture with my own gummy smile.

"Can I get you anything? The guys are getting dinner outside," I asked.

"Some tea and maybe some dinner. Thank you, Yoongi," she said gratefully. I simply nodded. I gave her her phone and quickly went downstairs. I ransacked the kitchen until I found some tea bags. I got some hot water and put the tea in.

How much sugar does she need?

I shrugged to myself and simply put in a small spoon of sugar. I then proceeded to make some nice porridge with some bits of corn and chicken in it. I hadn't cooked in so long. The last time I did was when Hoseok forced me to.

I carefully brought the food up with a bowl and cutlery. I set up a table on the bed and scooped some porridge into the bowl for her while her gaze never left me. I placed the tea on the table too. I placed the chair beside her so I could watch her eat.

She blew into her tea before sipping it.

"Is it okay?" I asked, wanting her approval. A smile formed on her gorgeous face as she nodded happily. My heart beat faster. I scooped the porridge into the spoon and blew onto it before feeding her.

"Yoongi-ah, my hands still work, I can feed myself," she chuckled after swallowing. My cheeks warmed up as I realised that I was being strangely cheesy.

Is this what it feels like to feel worried for someone?

"Is the porridge okay?" I asked. She giggled.

"Why're you so nice to me today? Yes, it's the best porridge I've eaten," she grinned as she gave me two thumbs-up. I smiled knowing that she was happy and I chuckled.

I've never felt so care-free around someone before...

I watched as she gobbled down the porridge and drank the tea.

"That was a great dinner," she commented. I smiled as I cleaned up.

Just then, the boys returned.

"Noona! Hyung! We're back~" Jungkook sang as he flung the door open.

"Noona! What happened?!" Jungkook yelped as he saw Jae Rin's ankle. She smiled sheepishly and explained the situation. The rest of them piled in as they worried about Jae Rin. I stood awkwardly beside my bed as I watched her.

I quickly ushered the members out as Jae Rin might have wanted to rest. However, Jimin pulled me out. As I was protesting, Taehyung stuck his head back inside the room.

"We're borrowing him for a while," I heard him say. Taehyung closed the door and the members huddled around me.

What the hell is going on?

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