Call 1 : Flyer

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[ Misun ]

My eyes fluttered open and the first thing I saw was my huge dark room with a night light beside my bed as its only source of light.

What time is it..? I hope I'm not late again today.

I was known as that one student who never arrived in class before the bell rings. I was always late ever since I entered high school. There were a couple of times when I arrived in school early; after I got threatened to be kicked out from the school if I don't start waking up early and when I didn't get any sleep that night.

I glanced at my phone resting on my night stand, and it showed 07:57 AM. Meaning that there was only three more minutes until school starts.

Gosh, not again!

I groaned, this time, I would definitely be kicked out of school. I legit jumped out of bed and ran into the bathroom to take a very quick shower. I wore my uniform quickly, not caring if it was tidy or not. After all that ruckus I was finally off to school at 08:15. I was fifteen minutes late and my only wish that time was, "I wish the teacher is still stuck in traffic."

There were no busses available at that time since the previous bus which arrived at 8 has already gone off, so I had no choice but to run as fast as I could.

And just like every single time, the school gate was already locked. But being twenty minutes late has already became a part of my daily high school routine so climbing the tall fence was not such a big deal to me. I do that all the time.

So basically, my morning routine keeps me fit.

Take it from me, guys. Being late for school keeps your body fit.

I ran to my class, feeling tired already. But as always, luck wasn't on my side.

"Song Misun. Why am I not surprised." Ms Jung said. How to describe Ms Jung... she was basically the teacher who hated me the most, and she was the one who threatened me about being tardy. She was a physics teacher and she was always salty when it comes to me.

"Ms Jung, why am I not surprised either." And just because I was a student I have to always talk nicely to her.

I don't like you too, you know. Feeling's mutual.

"Misun, this time I'm really bringing you to our principal." Ms Jung shot me a glare which I gladly returned. "Don't glare at me, I'm doing this for your own good. Being late all the time affects your grades, you know. And you already have bad grades so you better fix this behaviour soon or you'll really get kicked out. My intentions are good."

Bullshit. I know you just want to get rid of me.

People are so fake these days, even the teachers. I just sighed, rolling my eyes secretly before walking towards my desk.

The students were already used to me being late all the time so they didn't stare anymore. But in exchange, they talk about me behind my back, they didn't like me because I always caused trouble and by trouble I meant being late.

To be honest, I have no idea how me being late could affect their lives. It's not like you're gonna die if I arrive late at school.

Later, after school, I was called by the principal by the school's radio system. I sighed, it must be Ms Jung's doing. I lazily got up and exited the classroom, ignoring the stares because it was my first time getting called to the principal's office.

I knocked before entering the office and when I did, I saw Ms Jung and the principal, Mrs Kim with unhappy faces. I already knew what was coming.

I bowed before speaking, "Mrs Kim, Ms Jung." I lowered my voice when I greeted Ms Jung and shot her a small glare. "Is there a problem?"

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