Call 25 : Best Day Ever

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[ Third Person ]

Jungkook swore that he'd be vomiting after lunch. His face went pale when he saw that Misun was dragging him towards a sushi restaurant. He had let her choose what to eat earlier, but this didn't come to his mind at all.

I'm about to eat raw fish?


Sure, he knew that there were other types of sushi too, but he just didn't like the idea of sushi in general. He had never tried it before and he wasn't planning on trying anytime in the future.

He wanted to refuse and tell her to pick another restaurant, but seeing her eyes gleam like that, Jungkook couldn't help but give in.

I guess I have to try them.

"Table for two?" Asked the hostess.

"Yes, please." Misun replied excitedly.

"Please wait for a moment." The hostess said before walking into the restaurant.

Misun then turned her head towards Jungkook, who was standing behind her. He quirked his eyebrows upwards when she did so. "Jungkook, do you like sushi?"

Jungkook had an internal quarrel with his own mind, debating whether he should tell her that he hated the idea of it or just tell her that he hasn't tried it before. Maybe both. Jungkook just went with what he thought was the best answer.

"I honestly don't like the idea of it but I haven't tried it before."

Misun's face changed into worry. "Jungkook, if you don't like it then let's just eat somewhereㅡ"

"It's okay, Misun. I said I've never tried it before, how would I know whether I like it or not? I'm trying it with you."

Misun stared at Jungkook, not believing that he was actually okay with the idea. "Really? I mean, we can find something else to eat. Do you want pizza?"

Jungkook shook his head, and right then, the hostess came back with two menu books. "Table for two, please come this way."

Jungkook smiled at Misun reassuringly as he walked in the restaurant first. Seeing that Misun was just standing there and shaking her head, Jungkook had almost take her hand but instead, he just nodded at her, telling her to come. Misun didn't budge. She pointed at an Italian restaurant and mouthed 'pizza'.

Why is this girl so stubborn.

He squinted his eyes at her, telling her that he'd be eating sushi no matter what. He turned his back and caught up with the hostess who was already standing by their prepared table.

Misun came in, pouting, making Jungkook chuckle. She sat across Jungkook and looked at the menu, eyes sparkling.

I bet I wouldn't get to see those eyes if we ate pizza instead.

"What would you like to order?" Asked the waiter.

"What do you wanna try, Jungkook?" Asked Misun.

Jungkook shrugged, looking at the menu. He didn't find anything appetizing. "I don't know. Why don't you order for me?" He said, looking at her smile while scanning the menu.

Now where did the flirty, bossy, and savage Misun? All I can see now is the Misun who's soft for sushi.

"Alright, we'll be having basic sushi then." Misun said before ordering some sushi rolls that Jungkook didn't get the name.

Jungkook chuckled. Hearing it, Misun turned to look at him when the waiter was gone. "What's so funny?"

"It's just that I haven't seen the flirty and bossy side of you in a long time." Jungkook said, recalling the last time she teased him.

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