Call 24 : Table 52

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[ Third Person ]

That day, Aiden was just walking around the mall as he felt bored at home. It was almost lunch time on saturday, so he thought that while he was at the mall, might as well grab something to eat.

He walked past some clothing stores, window shopping because he was broke at the moment. He just used his money to buy himself a couple of art equipment.

As he was walking around, he spotted a familiar figure. That familiar figure was lurking around the mall with an unknown girl, seeming suspiciously close. Feeling quite suspicious and in disbelief, he dialled a number.

Aiden watched as one of the two pick up his phone. "Sunbae, what's up?"

"Yo, Jungkook. Where are you at?" Aiden asked. He had gotten the younger's phone number a few days after their first meeting, to inform him about their projects. The guy seemed to be chill and relaxed, making Aiden raise an eyebrow.

If this is going bad, Imma tell Taehyung.

"At the mall. How about you?"

"I'm home. Got a few friends over so it's quite noisy in the background."

"Ah, I see. So why did you call?"

"Are you with anyone right now?" Aiden, who hid himself skillfully behind a column, watched as the younger one glance to his right, at the feminine and petite figure.

She does NOT look like Misun at all.

Jungkook opened his mouth to talk, but closed it again. He glanced at her again and he seemed hesitant to answer. "Uh... I'm actually with a high school friend right now, accompanying her to buy some stuff."

"Is it Misun?"

Jungkook rubbed his nape, looking at the girl as she pointed towards a clothing store. The two then disappeared into the store. "No, it's someone else. I'm not in a date or anything, I was also with Jimin hyung but he left early."

"Ah, I see."

"She is only looking for a dress to gift her mother."

Good boy's telling the truth.

But I don't know why he's telling me that much. I guess he just doesn't want me to think that he likes someone else.

I hummed, "I see." Suddenly, an idea popped in my mind and I smirked.

Taehyung better thank me for this.

"How about we meet up? You, me, and Juwon."

Misun took her beige knit sweater and wore it over her casual black tank top. The weather wasn't that hot as it was raining a little bit.

It's my first time hanging out with Aiden and Ella sunbae. I think I'm gonna third wheel but they don't make their relationship obvious so... why not.

She wore her sneakers and told her family's chauffeur to drive her to the mall. When she arrived at the mall's lobby, she texted Aiden.

New girl :
Hi sunbar
Where are you and Ella unnie?

Scary Sunbae :
We're at Vendimia Cafe
That one on the third floor

New girl :
I'm on my way there
Can you order me a latte?

Scary Sunbae :
Search for table 52

New girl :
Okay wow you don't need to tell me the table number though haha
I can look for you guys myself

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