Call 19 : Pine Tree

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[ Misun ]

I couldn't sleep that night. The image of Taehyung staring deeply into my eyes, holding my hands as he told me to look at him instead of Jungkook kept on replaying. And no matter how I tried to distract my thoughts, it kept on coming back.

Looking at my shocked state, Taehyung sighed and let go of my hands. He looked at me, waiting for me to say something, but I didn't. I just stayed still, fidgeting with the fabric of my hoodie. I was nervous and I didn't know how to react.

Taehyung, who was always goofy and always willing to listen to everything, who almost never showed me his serious side and always cracked random stupid jokes... actually confessed to me.

It was so overwhelming. I've never actually thought about us like that. Us, as in me and Taehyung.

But Taehyung was always there for me. He's never looked at me for my money and background. He willingly listens to my cries, offering his shoulder so I could cry on it. He'd give me the best hugs. He was always there.

He won't hurt me.

"Misun." Taehyung called with his deep voice, deeper than usual, sending shivers down my spine. He smiled sweetly at me, taking my hands in his once again. He kissed my knuckled gently and ruffled my hair. "Don't think about it too much. I was just telling you about how I truly feel. You always open yourself to me, so it's my turn."

I smiled back, "Thank you, Taehyung."

I still didn't know what to answer, but Taehyung understood me. He told me to go home since it was near my curfew hours.

My phone ding-ed. I glanced at it.

Taehyungie🦁 :
Sleep well, Sunny❤
Please don't avoid me just because I like you okay?
Let's act as if I never confessed

Me :
Sleep well too, Taetae💞
I won't, but I do need time to think about it

Taehyungie🦁 :
I'll wait
I'll wait for as long as you want me to
So don't worry
Sleep, it's already late

Me :

Taehyungie🦁 :
Night <3

Just like what I've said before, Jungkook and I have lost contact, and it has been two months ever since Taehyung confessed to me. And around that time, I've told Taehyung that I was willing to move on from Jungkook, and that I've considered him as someone I'll move on to.

Taehyung was never a rebound. I never used Taehyung to get over Jungkook. As time goes by, I've been used to the fact that I will never have a chance with Jungkook, so I buried my feelings. And I slowly forgot about it. Instead, I looked at someone else who was standing right before me, offering me his hands.

I wasn't ready to start a relationship because I still wasn't sure about my feelings. I knew I had grown a bit feelings for him, but I didn't dare to claim him as my boyfriend. I was afraid to hurt him. He was such a nice person, he was too precious for me, so I wanted to be careful and not rush things.

But instead of being just friends, we acted as lovers instead. It was what they call "friends with benefits".

Taehyung would often kiss me on my forehead, hold my hands, and hug me close to him. He was okay with that, he said that he was willing to wait because he understood that I needed more time to make sure about my feelings.

I take feelings seriously.

I went out with Taehyung more often, we've graduated high school after all.

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