Call 4 : School Badge

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[ Jungkook ]

I placed my phone on my nightstand. Gosh, she makes me uncomfortable sometimes, but she's a funny girl.

I exited my room and went to the kitchen. I checked the fridge for some food, but as always, the fridge was empty. I sighed, might as well sell the fridge soon because it's never used.

I opened one of the cabinets and took out a package of ramen. Honestly, one package isn't enough for me but I had to eat only one for each meal. I needed to save up.

I boiled the ramen, kinda overcooked it a little but oh well, it was still edible. I could afford vegetables and meat but the problem was that.. my cooking skills suck. Ramen was the only food I could cook well.

Also, I was still new in this town so I only knew the way from my apartment to school. I didn't dare to wander off alone or I'll be lost.

I did regret going to Seoul a little. I wished I could stay in Busan but I had to move here so I could study in one of the best schools and be a successful man, or so my parents said. I couldn't disagree though.

I don't hate being.. kinda poor, but sometimes I wished I was like every other kids in school. They seemed to get whatever they wanted, their parents bought them cool stuffs. I didn't even own a computer. There is one at home in Busan but my brother, cousins, and I always fought for it.

"Not all people are fake."

True, I said that to Misun. But there were lots of fake people in my school too. They didn't want to befriend me because I came from a poor family but yet they would come to me when they wanted to copy my homework.

So I kept silent about my family unless they asked me first.

I also didn't tell my crush.

Ah, talking about crush makes you happy and sad at the same time, huh?

I had a crush on this girl in my class, Ryu Sujin. She has a pretty face and a nice body.

Oh no no no, I don't like her because of her body, I like her because she's nice to me.

Don't get the wrong idea.

She treated me good, but I knew she didn't like me the way I liked her because; first, I noticed that she only treated me like a friend, second, she has a boyfriend named Kim Namjoon.

Her boyfriend is also a nice guy. He's wise and good looking too. Don't mention the dimples. I envied him. They looked good together.

I walked towards class when I suddenly noticed a familiar figure walking the opposite way.

"Hey, Jungkook!" Hearing the familiar voice, my body froze and my heart beat faster. She stopped in front of me, but I didn't dare to look at her eyes.

I opened my mouth to greet her back but no words could escape my lips.

"Hey, are you okay?" Sujin asked. Her eyes sparkled as she tried to look into mine.

I wished I could reply but I was so nervous, my body trembled. So I just smiled and nodded my head.

"Good to hear that. Well! I'm going first, then. Bye, Jungkook!" She waved at me and pat my shoulder. She was already gone into the girls' restroom, but I could still feel her hand on my shoulder.

Gosh, Jungkook. That description just made you look stupid.

I sighed at myself, I sounded like someone who was madly in love.

Soon, Sujin exited the restoom. I guessed that she didn't see me because she went straight to class. I watched her as her back length hair that was tied in a ponytail sway when she walked. She was so ladylike yet she was cheerful, and I liked that.

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