Call 15 : I've Sinned A Lot

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[ Taehyung ]

I looked at Misun worriedly. She was on the phone with Jungkook, and I guess she was forcing herself to say that she has no feelings for Jungkook whatsoever and thought of him only as an important friend.

But I could see it clearly.

She didn't bother to mask her pained expression. She didn't cry either, she put on a fake smile so that Jungkook wouldn't get worried over her gloomy voice.

I guess this was her first time experiencing a heart break. It must be hard for her.

That girl is so stupid.

How can she not know that she has fallen in love with that kid?

How can she let her feelings grow for someone who has another girl in his heart?

I rested my chin on my palm as I watched her talk to Jungkook. I guess they had changed the topic to cupcakes since her eyes looked better and brighter.

"But red velvet cupcakes are better than the chocolate ones!" Misun exclaimed, laughing afterwards. "But I like chocolate cakes better than red velvet cakes."

I laughed along.

"No, I don't really like cakes. Are you kidding me- Of course I love cakes! Why would I say that I like red velvet cupcakes and chocolate cakes if I don't even like cakes?"

She looked like she was enjoying the talk, so I became less worried. But she was hurting herself.

Poor Misun.

Jeon Jungkook has no idea that he wasted such a beautiful and kind hearted girl.

My mind suddenly went to Jungkook and Sujin. The girl that he said has confessed to him, was it Sujin? If it was her, why did he reject her when he spent so much time waiting for her?

No, it shouldn't be Sujin right?

I snapped out of my thoughts when I saw Misun ending the call. She then looked at me, "I'm sad."

I smiled, "I know."

I opened my arms, inviting her to my embrace. She immediately hugged me, but she wasn't crying. I guess she was already tired.

Jungkook might've known Misun before me, but I know, I know Misun more than he knows her.

This Misun, she has never showed him this side of her.

I hugged her tighter as I stroke her head.

Maybe... maybe I had let my guards down that time, because ever since, I started to feel something towards her.

I silently scoffed at myself. What was I saying earlier? That she was stupid because she let those feelings grow for someone who's already fallen for someone else? Yeah... how ironic.

I placed my hands on Misun's shoulders and gently pulled her away so that I could see her face. She just looked down and sighed. "Misun, why do you like Jungkook?" I asked.

Misun smiled at me, "I have no idea."

I yawned, looking at one of my classmates. I threw him a paper ball to gain his attention and asked, "What time is it?"

He secretly looked at his phone and back at me, "Twelve fifteen."

"Nice," I muttered to myself and fist pumped the air. "Thanks!"

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