Call 23 : Trust Me

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[ Jungkook ]

"If you tell me now, that you only see her as a friend and that you have no special feelings for her, I'll ask her to be my girlfriend tomorrow. Only if you confirm your feelings."

I couldn't look at him in the eyes, so I just looked down while he was talking.

What should I say?

It's now or never. I'm holding the key. If I let him take her away, I will never have a chance to hold her hand as a lover. If I put my ego first...

I raised my head when I heard him chuckle. "I've always been there with her. I've seen her through ups and downs, and that was when I started to realize that what I felt for her wasn't just love for a friend. I realized that I wanted something more, and I told her that I'm willing to wait as long as she needed. It's been a year, and I think it's time for me to tell her that again. That I love her."

Hearing that statement from him, my confidence level dropped down to zero. I liked her so much, but he was always there for her, he knew her more than I do. And knowing those facts, it was obvious that Misun deserved a guy like Taehyung.


I can't be selfish.

"Hyung, Iㅡ" Taehyung looked at me anticipatingly. I dropped all of my ego down and smiled at him. "Of course, you should go for her, hyung. She's a really nice girl and she deserves someone like you."

But what I got next wasn't expected at all. Instead of a huge smile filled with joy, he sighed and looked at me in pure disappointment.

"I was joking, Jungkook."

My smile dropped and confusion took over. "What?"

"I wasn't really planning on asking her to be my girlfriend. I was testing you." Taehyung said, finishing his sandwich in one bite.

Testing me?


"Hyung, I'm completely lost. What do you mean by testing me?"

He gulped down his half-filled water bottle. "You know, you're bad at lying. I saw your expression when I kissed Misun's forehead. You obviously like her, right?"

"Hyung, whaㅡ"

I was in shock and confused. Taehyung looked serious as I couldn't find any hints of his usual playfulness in his eyes.

My brows furrowed.

"I wasn't lying when I told you that I love her. I do. Not as a friend, but as a lover. She told me she needed time, and I respected that becauseㅡ well, that's for you to find out yourself."

I didn't dare to speak because he looked like he didn't want me to just yet. He needed to say something more.

"I'm doing this for Misun's sake. If you really do like her, you have to fight for her because she deserves better than that. And what you've shown me just now... you've just shown me that you're not worth her love. You need to fight for her, or I'll really take her away from you."

I gulped. I understood what he meant, but at the same time, I didn't.

"What... What do you mean? Don't you like her too?"

Taehyung sighed. "Jungkook, I know you like her, so much that you feel bad for her. You think that she deserves better than you so you let me have her. Yes, I do like her too, but I have a reason on why I'm backing off. And that reason, you'll find out on your own."

"Hyung, you're so much better than me. Whatever reason that is, you shouldn't be backing off. Why are you telling me to go after her?"

Taehyung gathered his things and stood up, I followed. He slapped my back, making me wince in pain. "You'll understand once you got all the pieces together, little brother." He slapped my back twice more and left towards the school building.

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