[2] Out

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A/N: Again, this book starts out with a random flashback to the past and then switches to the present.

[2] Out

The first time Mia spoke with Samantha she was a bundle of nerves. It was the day after her incident with Samuel, so she had an idea the girl wouldn't like her. She had seen Samantha plenty of times. She was popular not only due to her beauty, but also due to her relation with Samuel. Who wouldn't want to be friends with the sister of the hottest guy in school?

Not Mia.

After that incident, she wanted to stay away from that group. She was also still confused over what had happened that day. She was certain that wolf had talked to her. She had heard him. Ideally she could ask the only person who had been there, but his angry stares the times he saw her kept her from inquiring.

Before, she had been invisible to him. Unseen. Now, he actually noticed her.

On this particular day she had been sitting in the library during her free period. She loved libraries. It was the only place she could finish schoolwork without interruptions. Her bedroom was a distraction dump-spot where she could never accomplish anything, so she always went to the school library to do it instead.

As she was reading a particular passage, a knife was slammed harshly in front of her. Mia jumped, only to recognize it as the blade she brought with her to the forest. It was hers. Her eyes followed the slender arm that placed it in front of her, leading to black eyes full of curiosity.

"I heard you trespassed my area." She said acidly, assessing her from head to toe.

Mia felt her heart thrum against her chest. She had thought Samuel was scary, but his sister was not far after him. It must be in the genes. "It was by accident!"

"But trying to kill the wolf wasn't." The blade twirled in her direction. Despite the girl's calmness, Mia felt as though she were being threatened.

"I wasn't trying to kill anything, only practice my trap skills, I promise!" she said, praying she'd believe her. "I was going to set it free. I heard it, the wolf was talking to me asking for help."

Samantha leaned back on one foot, pensive. Her demeanor changed as she lifted her nose up to sniff something. Mia was more concerned about the fact that she told her she heard an animal talk. In her mind, the idea hadn't sounded so bad. Out loud, it was a whole other experience. Now they'd really think she was looney.

Instead, to her surprise Samanatha's response was a simple, "Hm, I believe you." She held out her hand. "I'm Samantha, what's your name?"

"My name is Mia." She shook her hand, albeit trembling with nervousness. This was the first time Samantha ever spoke to her. It would be the first of many times.


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"Saurus, why didn't you wake her when you noticed she fell asleep," a feminine voice reprimanded. Mia knew that voice, it was her best friend Sammie.

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