[8] Awkward Touch

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A/N: if you did not read chapter [0] this may be a little confusing. If you're the type to go with the flow there won't be issues.

[8] Awkward Touch

The first time Mia realized her touches bothered Samuel it had been his birthday. He was turning seventeen, and although the invite to his celebration didn't reach her inbox she was automatically going due to Samantha. The werewoman refused to listen to reason, insisting Mia go. It didn't matter how much she was reminded of Samuel's hatred for her. It was no use, and for that reason Mia was amongst the celebratory crowd at the pack house.

Once songs were sung and food was distributed, the people went to the birthday teen with presents in hand. The outturn of guests was a surprise, as Sammie had intended to make it a small gathering, yet the majority of the pack chose to go.

It was then Mia noticed a strange pattern. When elders and married couples approached Samuel, often times he would hug his packmates. If they were not as acquainted they at least shook hands. However, the moment a mateless weregirl approached him, he stuck to appreciative smiles and distanced pats on the backs. The females didn't seem surprised, if anything they remained dazzled by his smile, which even Mia had to admit was quite beautiful. It brightened his features and made his eyes glow wonderfully. She may even prefer this look over the one he gave her when he was mad... but she would never admit that out loud.

He never looked like at her. He never smiled in her direction. A yearning for it made her grip his present tighter, but she squashed the feeling before she could ponder its meaning. Besides, she only bought him a present to not be rude. She did it for Sammie. She had worked hard to organize all of this and didn't want to ruin her best-friend's preparations by souring Samuel's mood. She figured a present might make him overlook her attendance, even though technically it was his sister's fault she was here in the first place.

"Happy birthday to the best brother in the world!" Samantha squealed, jumping into his arms. Samuel readily caught her and the present that had flown into the air.

"You didn't have to do all this. I appreciate it." The corners of his eyes crinkled in merriment, the smile he gave his sister was the biggest one yet.

Mia could only gaze, starstruck as she took in the row of white teeth, the shaking of his shoulders as he laughed, and the gentleness with which he put his sister down and opened the present. He tore the red wrapping off to reveal a brown box. Inside it held a pair of black sneakers, the expensive type sportsmen use and Samuel desperately needed. He thanked his sister again and immediately Sammie went behind him so that Mia could go next.

"You're here." He said plainly, when she approached him to say congratulations.

His words weren't happy, but at least they weren't soaked in displeasure—something that was generally a given when she was involved. This time he merely stated a simple fact.

"Yes. Happy birthday Samuel." She brought her nervous arms from behind and gave him his present.

Mia exhaled. Perfect. She succeeded in actually calling him by his true name, God forbid she slipped and called him reptile or Saurus, neither would be met with reception. When he opened it his brows rose in surprise. Inside was a variety of sketching pencils. The exterior was sleek and smooth, each pencil a different grade of graphite that ranged from soft to hard. In addition, it contained charcoal and blenders. She didn't consider it to be much, but she figured he might like it since she's caught him sketching multiple times.

When he realized he still hadn't responded to her present he cleared his throat. "Wow, thank you."

Mia saw movement from behind him. Mouthing lips and flailing arms. Samantha was motioning for her to hug him. Him. Her brother who pretty much hated her. Was she going crazy? Something tolerant must have been in Mia that day, for instead of ignoring her friend and going on her merry way to the dessert table she stepped up to him and hugged him by the waist.

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