[12] Pranks and Misunderstandings

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A/N: Okay, so I know this is a fast update but I was in bed last night and this idea was just not letting me sleep so I literally finished this in less than two hours and I figured why not. call it writer diarrhea. We get a minor taste of salty Saurus LOL

[12] Pranks and Misunderstandings

The first time Mia stole from Saurus, she vowed to never do it again. It was senior year—a few weeks before prom night to be more specific—and not to mention only a week before her birthday. For this reason, she was in high spirits to join the wolfmen as they went shopping. What girl wasn't in love with shopping? There was a reason she was bestfriends with Sammie. They were most definitely shopaholics in the making.

Stepping out of the packhouse in shorts and a laid-back T-shirt, Mia assessed their travel. The crew was made of two jeeps. Saurus would drive one and Michael would take the other. Of course, as soon as the wolfgirls saw Samuel as the driver, they immediately rushed to his jeep. Ever the perceptive one, Lisa snagged the passenger side. Anything to be next to her biggest crush.

An eccentric wolfgirl by the name of Annie hurriedly rushed into the back, taking the middle seat as soon as possible. Mia had no doubt it was so she could get a nice view of Saurus. According to Annie, he was 'the most beautiful man she had ever seen', and anything he did 'was simply wonderful'. There was nothing wrong the soon-to-be alpha could do in her eyes. Mia had once thought Lisa was bad, but Annie was on a whole other level.

The funny thing was, Annie was nicest. Saurus could make out with another girl in front of her and she'd be beaming with joy because the best wereman in the world found someone worthy of his kiss. Its like the chick lived in some kind of novel and Saurus was her main male character and she was the hype spectator watching with wide eyes his every move.

Beside Annie sat Mandy, who looked content to be by the window if only to enjoy the scenery as they drove. No doubt she was only in the jeep because her twin sister Lisa was there.

"You ready?" Samantha ask, fixing her sandal strap before standing up to her true 5'10 height. She too, looked at the jeeps. "Dang, it looks packed. Michael's jeep is full with the guys and Saurus has only one open spot.

The hot wind blew through Mia's hair, making in her strands billow behind her. She shrugged. "There's always the option of sitting on laps."

Upon reaching the jeep Samantha immediately opened the driver door, pouting down at her brother. "I want to drive." She whined.

Samuel looked down to her dangling purse. "Did you bring your license?"

"Of course!"

Mia giggled. There was no way Sammie would forget her license. She only just got it two weeks ago and was still obsessed with driving everywhere. She didn't own a car, so in the meantime she utilized Samuel's whenever she could.

"Fine." Samuel slid out, switching his seat to the remaining one in the back.

Mia had to cover her mouth to stop laughing. Lisa's eyebrow began twitching, most definitely annoyed she didn't get to sit next to her beloved. Meanwhile Annie was gaping wide-eyed at him, looking like a child who was told Christmas would be starting a whole 30 days earlier.

As if finally noticing her, he smiled acidly. "There's no room for you, guess you'll have to stay," he jeered.

Mia snorted. "Yeah right. It's call lapping it up buddy." Mia entered through the opposite side, about to sit on Annie's lap when she realized...

"Actually, since you decided to be nasty, I'm translating that as you want to volunteer as tribute."

"I'll throw you out the window." He threatened, lowering the glass by pressing the button.

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