[15] Dare Exchange

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A/N: All I can say is...don't get mad LOL but tbh, based on the comments I got last chapter that means I did a good job in doing what I was trying to do hahahaha please vote xD

[15] Dare Exchange

The first time Mia and Samantha wanted a huge favor from Samuel, they begged to the high heavens. It was no use. As much as they wanted to go to Shannon's New Years party Samuel stuck to his previous word that Sammie was not allowed to go to any parties for the rest of the year. All because of the previous stunt she pulled on the last one.

Mia was distraught. What purpose would she have in going if her best-friend couldn't come? The costume party had only been fun because Sammie was there, without her she doubted she would enjoy her time with the others. Besides, what kind of best-friend would she be if she left Sammie bored at home while she danced the night away at a party? There's no way she would go without her.

"I can't believe this." Mia moaned morosely. "Is there anything we can do?"

In the end, she knew the question was pretty pointless. They've tried everything. From Mia offering to do his laundry to cooking him food for a week straight. I doubt you have any cooking skills anyway he had taunted. Nothing would make him budge. Nothing. 

"Well...there is one thing." Samantha said, shoulders straightening with resolution.

Mia immediately perked with interest. "What is it?" she whispered, as though saying this question louder would make this spark of hope run away.

Samantha didn't answer her question. Instead, she stood and went to the door. "Stay here, I'll be back."

Mia nodded and stayed perched on her bed. For ten anxious minutes she forced her body to remain in place. All she wanted to do was pace around and wonder. Instead, she kept still. Watching the door. Waiting. What could Sammie have up her sleeve?

When her best-friend came back, she was grinning like the Cheshire cat. Her steps proud and forceful. "He said yes!"

Mia's mouth dropped. She was there mere moments ago when they had been begging and pleading. She even went as far as to promise to leave him alone for a whole month! He still denied.

Mia couldn't contain herself. "What did you do?!" She was anxious to know this secret, if only to use it herself on desperate situations.

The werewoman sat on her spinning chair, a sly smile on her face. "Wouldn't you like to know?" She teased.

Mia ran to her and fell to her knees. "Tell me, tell me, tell me!"

"Okay, fine. But you have to promise to not tell him you know until you do it. And never do it unless you have all these factors going for you. Otherwise it won't work."

Mia blinked owlishly. Whoa. What kind of card was this? "I promise! Now tell me!" she rushed.

Samantha giggled. Then she went beside her ear and whispered her secret weapon.

 Then she went beside her ear and whispered her secret weapon

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