[30] The Mating

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author's note: here's an update I managed! please comment and vote :)

[30] The Mating

Mia made move to slide away from Samuel, but his hands, held tautly at her waist, prohibited her from moving off.

"Samuel, you just got better from your fever. The pack wants to know right away when you're feeling better, they're still so worried," Mia tried to reason.

While her argument made sense, Samuel couldn't find it in him to heed her words and exchange the comfort of having her close in his arms for telling others he was well. He would get to that. Eventually.

Mia made move to slide off him again. At this point, he growled lowly to warn her for her insistence. Instantly, she halted in her movements, letting out a puff of air as she turned to him with an exasperated expression. He didn't dignify her with further words, choosing instead to bury his face in the folds of her neck. Being around her was like submerging in warm water, or eating honey. His body buzzed with elation and his mouth savored the taste of her skin. She was an intoxicating remedy, to be sure he couldn't get enough of her.

Her felt the rise of her chest as she sighed, finding at last that he was not kidding, and could not be bothered to go see the others with his returned health. Right now, he just wanted her. A delighted shiver ran down his spine as her fingers threaded through his hair and played with his tresses. But once she ceased this and altered her light touches to a sweet massage he found himself groaning and plopping her with him on the bed.

"Samuel!" she laughed, then swatting him for what was apparently him overreacting to her ministrations.

"I'm proposing and mating you today," he decided instantly. He leaned into her hand like an enamoured puppy and licked the underside of her wrist.

"But you just got better!"

"I don't care. I'm doing this before you change your mind."

He hadn't meant to sound insecure, but until he sunk his teeth into her flesh he wouldn't feel safe. With his instincts gone this was the perfect time to mate her without him losing control.

"I won't," he heard her say softly, while still giving him the best massage of his life.

As he basked in the feel of her limbs resting over him, he absent-mindedly stroked her side. He thought of how sick he had been these past few days. Although he didn't remember much, he recalled few snapshots of her face, hovering over him as she removed the burning heat with a washcloth and calmed the sting of injuries with soothing hands. He had smelled her near him, a flurry of sunny summers and springtime flowers not unlike the ones she had planted outside. It had served as comfort that lulled him to sleep in those hazy times. She had been so good to him, a woman who had stolen his heart. How could he wait?


What had originally been prepared as a mini-celebration for his returned health had quickly turned into a full blown party at his soon-to-be mating. Mia couldn't believe it. Samuel seriously went through with it and proposed not long after the announcement of his successful recovery and current health.

What was perhaps most astonishing was everyone's lack of surprise when he went down on one knee and proposed, promising to protect her, guide her, and love her with all his being if she so accepted him. She had felt his smile when his head fell on her lap, because unbeknownst to their onlooking crowd their alpha was not as appropriate as they thought he was, in fact quite experienced in the department of wooing her beforehand. Saying yes had been too easy. Her positive response was met with happy cheers that ran suspiciously with an undertone of finally under it, as though they had seen this whole thing play out before their eyes and were just waiting for her to realize it. Meanwhile, the kids were confused—as far as they knew, nothing had changed.

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