[18] Agreements

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[18] Agreements

The first time Mia heard Samantha complain about Jasmine, she tried to reason with her best friend over the phone.

"...so all in all she doesn't sound too bad." Mia concluded.

"That's it?" Samantha snapped, unsatisfied with her response.

"Samantha, I don't know what you want me to say." Mia responded, switching her cell phone to the other ear.

It was freshman year in college, and apparently Saurus had his first girl-friend. It was a shocker, really. That reptile could manage to get a girl to date him. Mia snorted, lets see how long that relationship lasted.

"It's just...ugh!" The werewoman made a sound of deep irritation. "Can you and Saurus magically get along so that you guys mate and you're my sister forever? I hate having you so far away and I didn't realize how picky I was with the females my brother chooses until this happened."

"She doesn't sound that bad Sammie. I mean, so far from what you've told me she's just a regular chick." Mia said, shrugging.

Samantha groaned. "I know, I know. She's not bad. It's just... I'm used to you. Let's just say she's very needy. She trips all over the place, always needs help with something or another. I'm not trying to be mean but it irks me. I would prefer if she got herself together."

Mia laughed. No wonder Saurus liked this chick, she sounded like the ideal girl guys go for. Damsel in distresses who needed help all the time. Men loved feeling needed. "Not for nothing Sammie, but in high school you were needy too."

"That's different! There's a difference between a needy sixteen-year-old and a needy college student! Besides, I picked it up senior year, at least give me some credit!"

That's true. Samantha did a whole U-turn senior year. "Well, you can't dictate who your brother dates. I say try to make the best of it and become friends with her."

Samantha snorted. "Oh please. You say that because you've never met her. I'm sure if you even heard her voice once you wouldn't like her either."

Mia mulled this over her mind. Would she not like Jasmine? "I don't know. She sounds nice."

There was laughter in Sammie's voice as she responded. "Oh Mia, her niceness has nothing to do with why you wouldn't like her."

Mia blinked. Stumped on Sammie's implications. That made no sense. "Whatever. How about you tell me more about the shop you're managing..."


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Saurus sighed. Another pen broke from excess force as he wrote on a sheet of paper. The fifth pen today so far, if he kept this up he'd have no supply by the end of the day. His fingers twitched with anxiety, his heart pounding despite no physical stress. His emotions were driving him up the wall.

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