[7] Bite

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[7] Bite

The first time Mia witnessed Samantha getting bitten, it was an injury delivered by none other than her brother. It was the night of the costume party, where just prior to their drop-off Saurus adamantly stated he'd pick them up at 11 P.M sharp. No ifs, ands, or buts.

The party had been everything and more than they expected. The music was wild, the drinks sweet, and the food delicious. People naturally flocked to Sammie and basked in the opportunity to meet her, they were dazzled by the beautiful werewoman and enjoyed her company. When it came to dancing the girls dove right in. At first awkward, as it was their first time, but then gradually smoothed into it through watching others.

By the time eleven hit Sammie's phone rang like an alarm clock.

"Hello?!" Samantha pulled Mia to the side with her as she answered her phone. "Don't worry, we'll be right out."

Mia pouted. They had been having so much fun. "Aww, such a party pooper!" Mia had to yell in order to be heard over the booming music.

She prepared to gather their things when instead of heading to the door, Sammie led them right back to the dancefloor. "Just one more song!" She expressed, getting right into rhythm.

Mia pumped her fist into the air and did just as much. As before, people gathered around them and in moments they were circled by dancing teenage bodies. One song became two. And two multiplied to eight. Next thing they knew it was twelve and Sammie had over four missed calls. Who know when they would have left, for their departure was not done on their terms.

A large, looming figure entered the household, and despite the blaring music multiple female gasps were heard from all around. Numerous eyes filled with amazement and awe as they followed the black-clad enigmatic male. He made his way across the dancefloor, his gaze one-track to a particular pair of girls.

What is he dressed as? Is he a hunter?

A very handsome one if he is. Can he be mine?

I heard he avoids girls like the plague, he only takes care of his sister.

He is so hot!

Mia was happily shaking her hips when a hand latched to her upper arm, painfully so. She looked up to meet furious eyes leveling her with a glare. It wasn't just her, Samantha was similarly grasped. With discreet handling Samuel guided them to the door. The upbeat music was forgotten by the party-goers in exchange for a nice look at the celebrity visitor. Were it up to them they'd get to know him better as they had Samantha.

Outside Mia became nervous. They were a few feet from his car and he had yet to let go of them. If he kept this up her arm would go numb from lack of circulation. Samuel made Mia go to the back but had Sammie sit passenger side. That wasn't a good sign. Mia didn't understand how her bestfriend could be so calm, she was absolutely terrified! Once the doors closed their argument began.

"What part of eleven o'clock sharp did you not understand!" Samuel berated, staring his sister down.

Sammie rolled her eyes defiantly and crossed her arms. "We were having a good time! You should have joined us instead of being a prick and pulling us out!"

"Do you really think I don't have better things to do?! The pack is undergoing preparations for a trip I have to join tomorrow morning. You know this! I don't need two flimsy girls wasting my time. Since you can't follow simple instructions, no parties for the rest of the year." He set the car into drive and started moving home.

Samantha's eyes widened, as did Mia's. Samuel knew that after this costume party Shannon Carter would be hosting two more before the year ends. Those were said to be greater than this one. "You can't!" Sammie cried, her features twisted to one of appalment.

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