[3] Reptile

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A/N: Starts with past, then goes to present.

[3] Reptile

The first time Mia asked Samuel why his packmates called him Saurus she was met with cold silence. What else did she expect? Just because she and his sister now got along did not mean he wanted to be any more cordial. As a matter of fact, her new friendship with his sister seemed to incite him ever more.

How dare she befriend his dear sister? She was a horrible plague in his eyes, one who was out to kill their innocent wolves.

Curiosity unsatiated, Mia typed the nickname into the browser just as Samantha returned from her snack run. She poured the abundance of cookies and treats on the table before sitting in her rightful place between the two of them.

Preventative measures, of course. Samuel couldn't stand having her near him and she was more than glad to have a barrier between her and that—

"Reptile." She said, reading the definition.

Samuel rolled his eyes. Sammie joined her cheek to cheek in order to peer into her small computer screen. Her best friend smiled. "That's Saurus. Have you ever seen him climb a tree? He's like a lizard."

That made sense. The first time she met him he climbed the tall tree with relative ease. Mia had assumed the nickname Saurus was to give allusion of a dinosaur, but in reality reptiles were composed of many other creatures.

Samuel dug his head back into his work. "Why do you care? It's not a name you'll ever have the privilege of calling me. You're no friend of mine."

Samantha shoved his shoulder. "Be nice!"

It was the most common phrase she used when they were together. Mia let his bad humor slide without offense. What did she care if he didn't like her? She was no better. In fact, she probably hated him just as much as he hated her. There were times when he was calm and she would purposely bait him, just to see his eyes glow with rage. It suited him quite well.

Her only error was not foreseeing the growing fascination with his rage as a catalyst for future problems.

PresentMia stirred with joy as Samuel entered the library on a Tuesday morning

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Mia stirred with joy as Samuel entered the library on a Tuesday morning. There were few times she welcomed his presence with joy, but this was one of them, and it had all to do with the multiple boxes he juggled in his arms.

He, however, was the complete opposite of happy. If anything he looked like he wanted to squash her. It was a wonderful look. She had purposely changed her mailing address from Samantha's to his specific box after he squashed her flower. Samuel had a weird obsession of keeping his mailbox empty, it was one of his daily checklists to keep things organized.

"What is this nonsense that keeps appearing with your name. And in my mail box of all places!" he thundered, dropping them unceremoniously on the table.

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