[9] Alpha's Request

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        Special thanks to my lovely aliana_roman for the fanart check it out! ^^^ 🖤🖤🖤 LOL laughed so hard that you literally tagged Samuel as reptile hahaha xD He is so fineeeee

[9] Alpha's Request

The first time Mia witnessed Sammie being used had been a few weeks after getting to know her. By now she was a frequent visitor to the packhouse, and Sammie had even taken up including her in her workouts so that they both could get fit. Not that the werewoman needed it. Seriously. If anything, Mia was the one severely lacking in terms of physical fitness, but Samantha promised that within two months she wouldn't be quite as weak. So thus the two teenagers prepared for a run.

Mia bent to retie her shoelaces. They were already properly tied, but the runs she went on with Sammie were never over flat surfaces like the school's track field. The grounds of the forest were not as forgiving, they were uneven, littered with branches and other inconveniences that left her laces half-off and her balance tittering on falling.

In the middle of tying a double-knot a shadow cast over her, shielding her from the sun. A werewoman. If Mia recalled correctly her name was Lisa, she was part of the exclusive group in her school. Although Mia grew closer to Sammie, she still hadn't formed much of a relationship with the other pack members. 

"Are you ladies going for a run? I love to join!" Lisa enthused. Her eyes shined as bright as the sun with excitement.

Mia was taken aback. Sheesh. Could she lend her some of that running energy? She could most definitely make use of it. Beside her Samantha shrugged, as though she didn't care whether the girl joined them or not. She gave Mia her full attention. "Are you ready? The trail we took yesterday was pretty hard, so we'll use a lighter one today so you can recover."

Mia sighed in relief. "Thank God!" Her muscles were still sore from yesterday, a lighter trail shouldn't make this run unbearable. "I'm ready, let's go."

And so the trio jogged along the trail with the sound of leaves crunching in every step. Mia's heart accelerated, thrumming within her like a drum. Her breaths became deeper and quicker the longer they ran. They were just finished running two miles when the sound of others moving in sync could be heard approaching.

Daring to look back, Mia caught sight of six tall, tanned wolfmen 'jogging' in their direction. She used the term loosely, as their jog could easily be equated to Mia's sprint. Unlike her, the exercise they partook of did not seem to knock their air out quite the same way it did with her. As a matter of fact, their long-legged strides had them catching up with relative ease.

To her left Mia heard a high-pitched squeal that sounded suspiciously like a rat and it almost made her trip on a branch. Thankfully, a series of carefully placed steps got her back in balance.

It was Lisa, and she appeared positively excited. "Look, it's the weremen! We should join them!" She hyped, her arms twitching with anticipation.

The hair that had once been in a high ponytail was released from its hold, falling around her shoulders like glorious descending halo. She folded the shorts hanging on her waist one more time, making them rise up an extra inch. And the small tank top she wore was pulled down lower, exposing the tantalizing crevice of her breasts. The change was miniscule enough to not be obvious, but with wandering male eyes it would not be overlooked.

"We're not joining them. Mia wouldn't be able to keep up." Samantha answered. She kept her attention straight ahead, not bothering to check the identities of those behind her.

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