[20] Playful

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A/N: Okay guys so this chapter doesn't have a 'past' like how I typically include. I had meant to do a smoother transition from past to present since technically after Mia meets Kevin all that happens is she dates him, they break up, and she returns to Dark Falls (which is chapter [1] thus a full circle and no more past is needed) but clearly I suck at doing that but whatever. Either way, this is when Mia and Saurus' relationship pretty much picks up.

[20] Playful

Three hours passed and to Mia's disillusionment Samuel still hadn't returned from his impromptu meet up with Jasmine. While she did manage to finish a huge chunk of homework, this was because she purposely focused in hopes of not doing other things—such as look at the clock. It only served to get her further heated. Time continued to move in slow motion until finally the door opened and Samuel's tall figure entered the room.

Her fingers continued typing to finish her sentence, and afterwards Mia kept her face glued to the screen in effort to not pay him any mind. She felt bothered. It was best she kept her mouth shut lest she say something critical again. From her peripheral view she saw Samuel begin to loosen his tie and unbutton his shirt. He took off his shoes and looked around his suitcase for more leisure wear.

It mind boggled her that he should place so much effort in trying to physically appease Jasmine, the girl who had left him. It made her distrust his claim of not having any eyes for the woman.

"Did you get much work done?" Samuel asked conversationally.

After selecting an average shirt he approached her on the bed, taking hold of her busy hands and guiding them back to that top button he never seemed to be able to get. Mia undid it and went back to her work, redirecting her gaze from the opened dress shirt that exposed his bare skin. Samuel shrugged it off and easily slid into the plain T-shirt. His strong arms looped into the openings, raising the shirt over his head in a typical male fashion that highlighted the broadness of his shoulders, the girth of his chest.

Mia decided she might as well answer his question. "Yes, I did. Though I question how much work you're managing to do since instead of spending time with the Shark King you're investing it on an ex," she clipped.

There was that smile of his again. It was starting to irk her. Why was it that when his ex is mentioned he smiles?

"Contrary to what you might believe, I've been getting much work done. My dealings in Everglades have been advancing." He disagreed calmly. 

"Right, advancing towards getting that ex of yours back." Her stomach churned at the thought of it, but Mia knew what was truly bothering her. She almost debated on whether she should bring this up, as that night was a moment they had agreed to forget. However, she couldn't help alluding to it minutely, even if it served no true purpose. "At least soon you'll be able to get a kiss from the person you actually wanted it from."

The smile from Samuel's face dropped. This time he was actually frowning. The bed dipped as he sat at the edge to give her his undivided attention. "Listen, Mia... that night—"

"Relax Samuel." She intercepted. "You don't have to feel bad or anything. You can't help who you have feelings for and its not like I'm hurt or whatever. It's just offensive to any women that you should think of someone else as you're kissing them."

"I didn't mean what I said that day." Samuel started.

However, Mia continued typing. She even put her headphones on so Samuel could get the picture that this was not something she wanted to discuss, even if it was her fault for bringing it up in the first place. The wolfman was having none of this, though. He pulled the headphones off and even closed the screen of the laptop, going as far as taking it off her lap and placing it to the side.

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