[6] Hanging on a Tree

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as a reminder So I want to clarify, in this book weremen and wolves are separate. BUT weremen are stronger and have similar strengths as wolves. They can communicate with wolves since they are partners. EXAMPLE: spiderman is not a spider, but he does have abilities of spiders. So if I say Samantha's wolf it literally means her partner wolf NOT her transforming into a wolf.

[6] Hanging on a Tree

The first time Mia made Saurus uncomfortable she blamed his sister. She was the evil vixen behind the occurrence. It had been late October, when leaves fell from half-barren trees and littered the ground in a mosaic piece of orange, yellow, and red.

Today they would be going to a costume party. Of course, only Mia had been invited, as she interacted with the humans of their high school, but when Shannon Carter gave her the invite she slying added that she could 'invite as many additional people as she liked' aka, please tell Samantha, Samuel, and their friends. Even Shannon wasn't brave enough to approach them, so Mia was her best hope in getting them to come.

The wind gave a high-pitch squeal of anticipation as the girls dressed. As expected Samuel rejected the invite, and like puppets the others quickly assumed the same position. Except Samantha. After much convincing (and a lot of whining) Samuel gave her permission to go.

Too bad for them. They were missing out on a fun night. Everyone knew Shannon's parties were great, and this was the first one Mia would be going to curtesy of her association with Samantha.

"What do you think of this lipstick?" Samantha asked, turning so that Mia could assess the color.

"Too much purple undertone. Little Red Riding Hood needs a definitive rougé, don't you think?"

"You're right." She said, wiping it off. "How the hair coming along?"

Mia sighed. Trying to copy Princess Jasmine's hairstyle was a hassle. She should've just bought the wig. Now she was attempting to artfully place her brown mane around a bubble and tie it with turquoise ribbons. Did she mention she was failing miserably? It was all Samantha's fault. Mia had been quite content in dressing as the basic cat when her best-friend surprised her with this costume.

After managing to tie one bubble perfectly, the ribbon undid itself and out went the light-weight ball. "That's it, I give up!" Mia cried, undoing the little she managed to accomplish. "I'm keeping the fancy braidwork in the front but after that the rest will stay in a high ponytail. This is too much work." 

Sammie laughed. She had to stop applying lipstick so that it didn't end up on her cheeks. "Suit yourself. The costume does more than enough in showing who you're suppose to be."

Mia looked down to her silky blue pants and off-the-shoulder shimmering top. A gold necklace and golden earrings were her only jewelry. Sammie had already done her make-up beforehand—light and rosy as was expected of a princess. She only questioned the footwear, as the matching slip-ons felt rather thin. It was uncomfortable to feel everything you stepped on. What if someone spilled a drink?

Knock, knock, knock.

"Are you guys done yet?" Samuel's voice called from the hallway, impatient as they had sent him away forty minutes ago when they were half-way done.

Samantha looked at her. "Is this color good?" A brilliant red laid smoothly over her lips, the perfect shade for her costume. Mia nodded enthusiastically. "We're ready!"

Samuel opened the door, annoyance curved on every feature. Sammie ran past him to get to the car, ever the impatient one. At least that's what Mia had thought until she stood and went after her.

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