[13] Fetish

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A/N: enjoy & remember to VOTE :D

Hot pic of our favorite reptile 😍 Only he's suppose to have a beard!

Hot pic of our favorite reptile 😍 Only he's suppose to have a beard!

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[13] Fetish

The first time Samuel was polite, Mia was funnily enough still hardheaded instead of compliant. It was prom night, and while people were dancing the night away Mia had unfortunately downed a handful of spiked drinks and was now on Samuel's lap. She wasn't sure how she got there, but it was definitely her initiative to climb on him and be where she was.

Surprisingly enough, he wasn't making much of a huge fuss, only minorly reprimanding her. Was it because she was drunk? Or maybe because she wasn't yelling insults at him, but rather mumbling idiocies she probably wouldn't remember the next day.

"Mia, you have to get off my lap and sit in your own chair."

Her brown, glassy eyes blinked at him. "But, I dun wan to." She blubbered. Then, she noticed a pretty shiny glass with red liquid and fruits be placed on the table. Her curious hands reached for it, but Samuel effectively stopped her by holding her waist before she could reach for it.

The wereman shook his head at his sister. "Sammie, why are you bringing more drinks to the table. This one is inebriated enough."

Samantha shrugged. "I brought it for myself." To further prove her point she drank half of it in one go. "See? Watch it for me while I go dance."

"I'll watch it!" Mia offered, stretching her hand to 'hold it' for her, but really she was just going to finish it. She could see the pineapples giggling, it made bubble float up to the top. Mia laughed with them. Fruits could be so funny!

Her best-friend cracked a smirk before placing it at the furthest point from her at the table and weaving off to the dance floor. Feeling a shift her attention went back to the male beside her. He looked rather dashing in a suit. He had even shaved all of his facial hair and gotten a haircut. Of all the men she's ever seen, he had to be the handsomest because he looked great with and without a beard.

Mia touched his cheeks, feeling his smooth skin. "I like yur face."

Samuel's dark eyes widened ever so slightly. "You're going to forget this tomorrow. Or hate me even more." He muttered to himself, but she heard him.

He rubbed his temples before pulling a chair beside him, his long arms granting him the ability to do all of this while maintaining her on his lap. "Sit here." He pointed to the new chair he brought beside him, most likely close so that she wouldn't trip on the way to it.

Mia shook her head. "No dis is softurr," she slurred, referring to his lap.

"Mia, I asked you politely. This is inappropriate. If we were at the packhouse the elders would not approve of a woman sitting on me when she's not mine yet. Go to this chair. Now."

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