[24] Bedroom Talk

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A/N: midterms are successfully over yayyyy :) enjoy this chapter love you guys ❤️

[24] Bedroom Talk

"I'm glad you finally woke up." Samuel breathed.

Oh, no. Apprehension gripped Mia's throat. "What did I try to do?"

If her dream was any indication, she wasn't sure she wanted to find out. Her nerves stood on edge at the things she might have done. Samuel was still flushed red and he was not like this the first time she sleepwalked to his room.

He placed a hand on his neck sheepishly. "You were at my door again and I let you in. It was like yesterday at first...you stayed resting on my bed. But then you started climbing over me. You kissed my neck, saying my name and then you tried to really kiss me."

Mia covered her mouth in shock. When was this nonsense going to stop? He had voiced things lightly, but no matter what it gave the impression she was having a naughty dream about him. Then, her own cheeks turned red. Snapshots of her dream came back to her, she remembered this time. 

"I had a dream about you. I think the last time I came here I had a dream about you too," she admitted.

"Is that so..." he said this with growing interest, a boyish smile filling his features. "Tell me more." In loose pajamas and a white shirt he looked younger somehow. But then—Samuel seemed to have come to the realization of something. "Wait, is that why you were trying to kiss me?" He began to chuckle. "Oh, Mia. You don't have to go to dreams to do that." He said suddenly, turning his flirting game on.

Mia hit his shoulder. "No, you idiot. In the dream I was making a deal with you like we did earlier, only this time you said I had to kiss you."

Samuel's eyes shined with mirth. "Wow, I like this dream version of me." He leaned in closer. "So how about you finish that deal and kiss me."

"It was only a dream."

"Doesn't matter. You owe it to dreaming Mia that you finish what she started," he teased.

Mia giggled and rubbed her hands against his cheeks. "Look at you, all red and stuff. You clearly can't handle a kiss from me."

Samuel's eyes narrowed. "I didn't want to kiss you while you were sleeping. I wouldn't have been able to stop and—"

Mia gasped. "Oh my gosh! That's what you said in the dream!"

Samuel rolled his eyes. "No. I said that as I was shaking you to wake up. A guy can only take so much torture. You'd probably wake up freaked out and call me a pervert again."

Mia giggled. If anything she seemed like the pervert in this relationship as she was the one coming to his room, calling his name, and trying to kiss him. It stilled amazed her that he actually permitted her inside, especially after hearing from Sammie how his own ex wasn't allowed here.

Mia relaxed against the pillow. "I have a question for you..."

"You can ask. Just know you still owe me a kiss."

Mia gave him a look before continuing. "Sammie and I were talking earlier and she mentioned that

when you and Jasmine dated she wasn't allowed into your study or your room."

"That's true." He confirmed, not giving her anymore details.

Needless to say, she wanted an explanation. "I guess what I'm asking is why? She was your girlfriend and you dated her for a good year, why did you prohibit her from going in those places when other people have."

Wolf Rage | ✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang