[21] Sleepwalker

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A/N: Please let me know your thoughts on this chapter, I'm in a rather inspired mode hahaha

[21] Sleepwalker

The afternoon they were destined to leave Everglades was a time of great joy for Mia. As expected, Samuel and Samantha finished their business dealings early that morning, and the flight was scheduled sometime around 3 P.M. Despite the hospitable nature of the sharkmen Mia was glad they weren't staying past what was necessary. She ate lunch peacefully alongside the siblings and didn't mind Jasmine's added company.

As a matter of fact, having now understood that she didn't willingly leave Saurus for another man in an act of betrayal, she now felt bad for the girl. All she ever wanted was for Saurus to return her level of affections and he never did. He didn't fight for their relationship or try to seek after her. He let her go. To any girl that must be devasting. It explained by she was clearly so smitten with him despite being engaged to someone else.

Personally, Mia felt Jasmine should break off her engagement to the Shark King. Even if she couldn't be with Samuel, what good is it to be miserable here when she could hope for another love in the future? She didn't love Stephens. Then again, that was none of her business. Mia wasn't close enough to Jasmine to tell her that; it would feel awkward to give her such personal advice when she barely knew her. As they gathered their things to return to their rooms the dismay in Jasmine was evident. The woman knew they would finish packing and soon head off to the airport.

"I hope all continues going well with you. Again, congratulations on your engagement." Saurus said, patting the girl kindly and giving her a smile.

The way Jasmine's fingers still reached out to him despite him pulling away showed she was quite dissatisfied with this farewell. He had barely hugged her, and the touch lasted less than a second. She feigned a smile as Sammie was next to say goodbye. Mia was last. It felt strange to hug someone she barely met two days ago, and talked to much less. But Jasmine was so innocent and sweet looking it was easy to place that awkwardness aside.

As Mia pulled back Saurus and Sammie were already heading towards the door. She was just about to catch up to them when soft fingers clutched her wrists.

"Wait." Jasmine softly pled. "I know we just met, but would it be alright if we exchanged numbers?"

Mia blinked, slightly stunned at her request but nodded nonetheless. It couldn't hurt to do so. "Sure." Mia pulled her phone from her back pocket and allowed Jasmine to insert her number and text herself.

The woman sighed in relief. "Thank you." She then smiled at Mia. "Yesterday I realized why you were familiar to me."

Mia's interest grew. "Really? How did you see me before?"

Jasmine shook her head, as though disagreeing with something. "I must've confused seeing you with having heard of you. I realized you're the best-friend Samantha would always tell me stories of back when I lived at the packhouse. I'm glad to finally put a face to your name, Mia."

"I can imagine all the crazy things Sammie told you." The two of them laughed before it faded to awkward silence. Mia shifted her weight to the opposite foot. "Well, it was nice meeting you. Good-bye Jasmine."

And with that Mia walked away from a woman she thought she would never see again. Life had a funny way of changing things up though...

 Life had a funny way of changing things up though

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