[16] Alpha Favors

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Author's note: Now that my two long-term stories are completed, this story will be my next main one! Sorry for the long wait 😊 Alsooo special thanks to  MIRACULOUSNESS  for making my new cover! Check her awesome graphics out guys!

[16] Alpha Favors

The first time Mia had a discussion about submission, she realized she hadn't known as much as she thought. It had been a typical day after school doing homework. Only, instead of doing homework, Sammie had been making a list, 'The Ideal Mate List' she called it.

"That's a lot of things you're including." Mia noted, poking her head to better inspect.

1. Must be taller than me

2. Generous

3. Kind

4. Affectionate

5. Will not have meaningless sex with girls he doesn't plan to mate with

Mia raised her brows on number five. If that wasn't a direct hit against Michael she didn't know what was. As she kept reading though, she found it quite funny how some of the other things on her list actually ended up pointing towards Michael regardless. Interesting.

She clucked her tongue. "What if he doesn't meet all those requirements?" Mia asked this because as much as she was all for a girl getting what she deserved, it wasn't realistic for a male to fulfill every dream desire. Especially if you're like Sammie whose list went way past thirty. People had faults, it was inevitable.

It appeared Sammie had also taken this into account, for she merely shrugged. "I don't expect him to, but he should check off many of them. The wolfman I mate must be worthy, I can't just submit to anyone."

Mia made a face. Even though she played submission pranks on Samuel, the truth was the very word made her cringe. "Sammie, why on earth are you looking forward to submitting to anyone. We're independent women. We don't need any man to make us happy. And I certainly don't want to be any man's servant that he can order around."

Sammie gaped at her as though she said the most foolish thing. "That's what you think submission is?!" she shook her head, not letting her even response. She pulled away from her desk and straightened her back, clearing her throat in the process.

Great. Now she was about to go on a spiel. Mia could feel it, these were her warning signs, and sure enough she went off.

"First of all, as independent as we may be it is a natural desire to want to be with someone. No one ever wants to be lonely. Even people who don't marry have friends they spend time with. Second, yes I don't necessarily need a man to make me happy, but why would having one not make me happy? Especially if I choose the right one. Statistics show that most people will get married by the age of thirty, therefore, its clear that just as females want males, males want females too. It was never one-sided, so no need to get defensive. And lastly if I want to get pregnant I can't do that on my own."

Mia was about to protest but Sammie held her hand. "I don't care if you can get artificially inseminated. You still need sperm. And guess which sex that came from? That's right, a male. We need each other to reproduce no matter how much technology shapes it."

"Fine Sammie," Mia said, grudgingly returning to her work.

"No, I'm not done yet." Sammie continued, making her groan. "Humans have an incorrect view about submission. They think if a woman is submissive to her mate she loses all her rights and becomes a carpet for him to walk over. That's not what it means at all. Although the male takes the leadership role, its also one of great responsibility. You know how in my culture it means he's choosing to provide and care for his mate. He has to protect her. It's not a dictatorship, but a relationship that culminates around love, trust, and respect." When Sammie finished she lifted her chin as though she were an ambassador for her people.

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