[28] Stranger Danger

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a/n: yay I updated this week! please vote :D

[28] Stranger Danger

Saurus sifted through a proposal sent by foxmen. With years of expertise reading their documents he'd gained insight in viewing their careful wording. Of all beastmen, they were certainly the most cunning. If they weren't so lazy they could easily overpower the sharkmen in terms of business strategy.

He began typing out a reply when Mia sighed softly and looked at her homework with a pondering expression. Her head tilt to the side, allowing him to zone in on the soft area of her neck. The slender curve enticed him, he could feel his teeth begin to sharpen the more he stared at it.

Clearing his throat he tried to redirect his attention, but then she did the unconscious act of moving all her wild curls to the opposite side. To think, it was simple things like this that made him grow agitated in their youth and caused a lash. She would claim he was on his 'man-period' when really it was her oblivious actions that made him twist in discomfort. He had tried so hard to bury that attraction that inadvertently he ended up pushing away the very person he should have drawn to.

Suddenly, a chorus of howls pierced through the air. Saurus immediately stood to attention, and Mia jumped from her seat. The wolves were calling out. Something was wrong.

"Stay here," he directed her.

He strode out the room and reached out to Rex.

What happened?

It appears this new moon has incited a band of corcorus wolves.

Samuel's face contorted into disgust. Those vile creatures again. They had enjoyed a couple months of peace without them. As Rex went on to tell him the sheer number of them it was clear they had remained under the radar to increase their dwindling numbers. Now they were back with a vengeance. But it'd make no difference. Each and every one of them would be destroyed. He contacted his wolfmen and gave the instructions.

Within moments they met outside and gave report.

"Alpha, I contacted Lisa and Mandy. They're shutting down today's work in the agricultural center and sending the workers home," John informed.

Samuel nodded and looked to Michael, his Beta. "How much time do we have?"

"The wolves predict that at the speed they're coming they'll get here in about three hours, assuming they take no breaks."

"What trajectories are they coming from?"

"All from the southwest. They're coming as a group."

Samuel pursed his lips. That was...odd. Corcorus wolves, while dangerous were not very smart. They were creatures who preferred to wander solo and brought destruction without care for their odds. Coming together belied an alliance, which could only arise from communication and trust.

"Alright. Send contact to members out in town. They must return to the packhouse as soon as possible. I'll be gathering the children personally. In one hour I want a head count of who's inside and whose missing, any questions?"


Two hours later Mia paced uncomfortably in the study. Saurus had not come back, but she had gone out to investigate and had some werewomen inform her of the upcoming lockdown. She returned to the study to not get in the way of their pre-planned protocol. The news was startling. Something like this hadn't happened in years. The last one being when she and Sammie were in junior year.

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