Chapter Three

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Ravens POV;

"I'm glad to hear you have a date, Raven." Star said to me after we got back to the tower. "He was pretty attractive too."

I shrugged, "it's not really a date. Just going to hang out for a while."

"So a date." Cyborg said with a laugh. "Come on, Rae. Admit it. You have the hots for this guy!"

"Hots for who?" Beast Boy asked quietly from the door.

He looked at me for only a second before turning to Cyborg.

"She's going on a date with Aqualad." He wiggled his eyebrows, "Shes totally got a thing for him."

Beast boy turned to me again, "you're going on a date, Rae?" He asked, seeming hurt.

It wasn't a date. Because I genuinely didn't like Aqualad. But I couldn't say no- I had turned him down to many times before.

I heaved a sigh, "it's not a date." I said loudly, retreating to my room and putting my purple cloak back on. I caught my eye in the mirror, my good still down. I faced the mirror, looking. At myself head on. Why did I have to be part demon? Any one who got close to me would only get hurt... My eyes began to glow red, but I quickly pulled my hood back up, my eyes returning purple as I walked back out into the living room.

"Hey Star!" Robin called from the kitchen. "What should we have for dinner?"

"Oh..." Star said quietly, "I'm not sure. Maybe the meatballs of spaghetti?"

"Sounds delicious!" Robin sang as he began to prepare dinner.

I sat down on the couch and grabbed my book off the table. "Oh Robin, stop being so sad." I muttered.

"Shut up, Raven!" He yelled loudly. I peeked over at him from the corner of my eye, his face was red.

"Why is he being sad?" Star asked, "Robin, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Star." He said with a smile. "Ravens just being sarcastic."

"Hey!" I interjected. "Yeah fine. I am."

"Rae..." Beast boy said quietly from besides me. I shifted my book so I could look at him. He looked sad, hanging his head.

"What's up, Garfield?" I pulled my brows together, "what's wrong?"

He looked over at me, "don't go on this date." He said quietly so no one else would hear him.

"It's not a date, beast boy." I said, rolling my eyes and moving the book back so I could read.

He set his hand on mine, moving the book from my face, "Rae, I mean it."

Beast Boy and I had been through a lot together. We had been friends for the longest time- and we were always close. I wasn't his best friend- that was Cyborg. But he was mine. I couldn't imagine my world without him.

"Garfield, this isn't a date." I repeated. "Why do you care anyway?"

My book was pretty much blocking us from everyone else, but I was still a bit stunned when he leaned in and kissed my cheek.

"You're my Raven." He whispered, "please, don't go."

I set my hand on his head and set he book down, "I have to." I felt sad... I felt angry... Honestly I felt nearly every emotion there was.

How could he call me his Raven? But didn't I want to be his raven? And how could I just leave him here alone after he begged me not to go? I shouldn't have to justify anything to him! He's not my boyfriend- or my mother. And yet...

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