Chapter twenty-six

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Authors notes;
You know what, some of you are going to hate this, but I've been playing it over and over in my head and I think it will be great in its own way... So ;)

Ravens POV;

"What?" My dad asked, his voice blank.

"Yeah, what?" Beast boy squeaked out, his mouth hanging open.

"I'm pregnant." I repeated, straightening out.

"Why couldn't you have listen to me?!" My father roared, picking Garfield up by his throat and tossing him to the side. "I've been doing all this to protect you! Because I love you!" And what he did next shocked even me, as he gently set his hands on my cheeks. "I didn't want to lose you..." There was so much emotion in his voice that it pained my heart. The way he was acting reminded me of the ways he used to be- before mom....

"You're not going to lose-" I tried to reassure him, but sure enough I was cut off by his bitter laughter.

"You body can not house a fetus of that boy." He said coldly, shooting a death glare at Garfield who sat a bit a way, listening in on this conversation. He had his arms resting on his knees, leaning forward.

His face fell. "What do you mean?" He whispered.

"The fetus will absorb all of her energy. All of her life..." My father looked down at the ground, his jaw clenching tightly. "And soon after birth- she will die." His fists were balled tightly, "and it's all because of you!" He lashed, turning on his heals.

I quickly grabbed my fathers shoulder, my gentle touch forcing him to turn to me. "My Raven... My precious baby girl... What have I let happen?" His voice was sad as he dragged the back of his hand down my cheek, pushing back my hood. "You look so much like your mother..."

"Dad, everything's going to be okay." I insisted.

He shook his head, "this is all my fault."

I felt my belly absentmindedly as I met beast boys grave face. "I did this to you." He whispered. "I have sentenced you to death..."

"Stop it." I said harshly, looking down at the belly that now supported a little baby. My baby.

I would die after giving birth... Not even able to watch it grow. I felt my heart squeeze at the thought, but there was no doubt in my mind. I would easily give up my life for my child's... That's what a mother was supposed to do. Boy or girl, who knows? All I knew, was I already loved it more then life itself.

"You have to kill it." My father insisted to beast boy. I had been blocking out their conversation before now, and I was kind of glad I had been.

"I think you're right." Beast boy breathed.

"No." I said firmly.

"What?" They said together, looking at me with the same horrific look.

"You're just gonna-" I cut beast boy off with a nod. "But you can't!" He cried out. "I'm not ready to lose you yet!"

I smiled softly at him as I made my way over slowly to kneel in front of him. "I love you..." I whispered, "but I love him too, and she deserves to live. I want him to see the world, and have fun with his father..." I felt my eyes burn- tears beginning to well in my eyes.

"The baby will grow fast." My father said quietly. "You don't have much time. A few months- if that." My father pet back my hair. "Your mother would be proud..."

I said a quick goodbye to my father, and he promised he would visit before...

I transported us back home, where we spent the rest of the night laying on my bed, tangled up in each other.

"You're right, Robin would look better in that dress then I would." Garfield said laughing- but his laugh was cut short by a kick from my belly.

"Whoa!" We said together, our hands fumbling over my belly to get a better feel.

"He's a good kicker like his daddy..." I whispered, smiling up at him.

"Or maybe she has her mothers temper." He said with a wide grin on his face. His grin slowly left his face as he gazed into my eyes. "Raven..." He whispered, softly placing his lips to mine. "I can't believe how much I love you."

"I love you too, Garfield. I love you too." I said as I wrapped my arms around his neck and held him close.

Soon I wouldn't be able to do this anymore. I had to get as much hugs and kisses as I could.

Because soon. It would just be him and our child against the world. Alone.
Ha! Thanks for reading ;D

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