Chapter Ten

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Ravens POV;

My father. He was giant, red, muscular with four yellow eyes and something orange that kind of resembled dreadlocks.

He was scary. Nothing that I had to worry about. But as I approached him, I couldn't help but sink back farther in my cloak.

"Father." I said firmly. When he turned to me, I pulled back, stepping away from him. I had never liked my father because he always pressured me into taking his position one day... Something I didn't ever want to do.

He looked down at me, then erupted in a loud laughter. "Raven, what are you doing here?"

"I have come to sacrifice my souls to the devil." I stated loudly and clearly for him to hear. I clenched my fists, my nails biting into my skin like razor blades.

"What?!" His voice boomed as he shifted to get a better look at me. "How dare you try and defy your father! You will become-"

"I will not." I tried to keep my voice firm, but it was hard not to get upset with him. He was my father- after all.

He growled loudly, "I will not have this!"

My father was a great demon. But the devil obviously still out weighed him. But he never feared the devil... Maybe he should.

Two red minions popped out next to me, grabbing my arms and folding then behind my back as I was pushed to the ground. I threw out a black fist, punching then away from me as I hurriedly stood up, my father no longer there.

Instead, there were forms of black fog, slightly resembling humans, in his place. They were souls. Souls that hungered for a body to corrupt. "You will have to fight your way out of this!" His voice boomed loudly.

"So much for never resorting to violence." I muttered.

And in an instant, the souls attacked. How do you even kill a soul? I threw out fists, and I threw out fire balls. I threw out basically everything that I could imagine... But nothing was cutting through these things.

One let out a long pained moan as it touched my shoulder. I screamed, it's touch setting my skin ablaze.

I wish Garfield was here...

I swatted them away, not sure what I was supposed to do. If I weren't quick, then I would no longer have my own soul, but yet another's.

I gritted my teeth and hovered over the ground, meditating and chanting a few ancient words.

Soon, a white light emanated from around me. I opened my eyes to see the white light piercing through the souls, forcing them to fall to their knees and fall to pieces.

But what I had just done had sealed my fate. I had contacted the devil and asked for his assistance. He had lent me his hand in battle, as a promise for my soul.

"You think you're so clever." My fathers loud voice purred from behind me. "But you're not. The devil can't even get you out of a blood pact."

I turned to my father, his power seemed to radiate off of him. "Why do I even have to take over? You're immortal."

"Because!" He boomed. "I no longer know of the need of what the people want! It is time for a new leader for the underworld."

"Then find someone who can actually do it!" I yelled. "Someone who wants to!"

He stayed quiet for a moment, "why are you sacrificing your soul so early?" He became curious. "You still have but twenty years before you are to take my place. Twenty years is a long time."

"But not long enough." I said under my breath, imagining Beast Boy stretched out on a bed under Cotten white sheets sleeping soundly. "It's not nearly enough time." Kids run in, jumping on him and waking him up. But He is quick to smile and play with them, the love so obvious it hurts. "I want my own life." I said firmly, slowly looking up at him. "I want all the time I want!" I began to shout. "Because no one should be told how to live their lives!"

My father didn't yell. My father didn't move. He just looked down at his daughter, unmoving. After a while, he let out a breath, "Life isn't a bed of Roses. It doesn't always go as you want. And I'm sorry- but I plan on taking your soul and harboring it until it's time for you to take over my spot." He breathed heavily. "Why couldn't you just be obedient?" He put his pointer finger out toward me, a tugging sensation lit my senses.

"No!" I yelled. I mentally wrapped myself around my soul, pulling it in toward me.

"Stop being resistant!" My father bellowed, black souls appearing around me now.

As if on command- they all leapt forward at me. I squinted as I held onto my soul with nearly all I had. There was no way I could let him have it. But how was I going to fight?

I swung at the souls that relentlessly attacked me, each time they grabbed at me it was as if fire was licking my skin; and each time my souls slipped away a little more. I couldn't help but let out a scream of pain.

"Take her down, but don't take her body!" My father commanded.

Several more black souls charged at me. One grabbed my hair, pulling it down toward the ground, another kicking at my feet.

In a solid motion I swept my foot up and kicked the soul- but it did nothing but knock it down.

Several more jumped at me, grabbing my arms and pushing me toward the ground. I continued to try and kick and hit, trying to free my hair and keep ahold of my soul, but it was all so tiring.

"Stop this!" I screamed. The souls hesitated momentarily, long enough for me to free myself from their grasps.

I quickly pushed off the ground and sprang up, flipping over them and closer to my father. I pushed off the ground and launched into the air where I firmly planted a kick on my fathers chest.

But he was far to big. And far to strong. He just deflected the kick, then swatted me with is hand. I flew into a wall and crumbled to the ground.

My hearing went fuzzy, my vision blurred. But I could see the souls closing in on me.

"It's okay, Rae." I heard Garfields voice in the back of my head. "you did a good job. I'm here now, I'll take care of you. Just rest, my Raven."

I think I knew it was a figment of my imagination; just a way my body was going to handle my death easier. I closed my eyes, unable to contain the smile I felt light my lips at the picture of him in my head.

I let myself go- welcoming the pain that was soon to come. I let my eyes flutter open only one last time, a mixture of Green and purple swirling in front of me.

Take me, and let this be peace... For my soul is the devils to keep.


Thank you so much for reading, I love all my readers :) you guys are awesome!

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