Chapter Eleven

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Beast Boys POV;

I scooped Raven up in my arms, holding her close to me. "No." I whispered at her, "no, you need to wake up, Rae!"

"Insolence!" Her father yelled loudly. "Give me her soul!"

I turned my head slowly to look at him, "I have no control over her soul, you big Jerk!" I yelled.

Cyborg quickly ran in, standing next to me in attack mode. "What's going on?!" He yelled.

"Yes! What is the happening?" Starfire followed in after in a hurry.

"I can not draw her soul! For some reason it's attaching itself to you..." He seemed angered. "It looks like I will have to kill you, little green boy!"

"You aren't getting anywhere near him, or Raven!" Star yelled, floating in front of me as I held Raven protectively.

I looked down at her, ignoring everything that was going on around us. I knew I could trust them to keep us safe; all I had to do was make sure her souls didn't leave her body.

I pushed her hood back, gazing down at her. Even though she was unconscious, she was gorgeous. I couldn't imagine losing her, and if I were to let go of her soul, that's exactly what would happen.

I didn't want to lose her, "I want you to fight." I whispered to her. "Rae, I can't lose you. Neither can the rest of the team." I sounded like her friend again. I remembered in the past few days how she would always get mad if I mentioned that she was my friend. Maybe that's why she was getting frustrated with me.. Because she thought that I only saw her as another one of the guys. "But you're so much more..." I breathed.

How could I be so stupid? She was pushing me away because she didn't want to get hurt in the end. She was was developing feelings that she didn't think I would ever return... And here I was fearing the same thing..

"Beast Boy!" Starfire yelled loudly. "Look out!"

A black figure appeared in front of us, slashing it's long arms at us. I dodged and ducked, refusing to let go of Raven.

I must protect her.

But I wasn't paying attention. I had backed myself into a corner, pinning us and leading us to death row.

This one black shape had turned into tens of black shapes, surrounding us. I shifted myself so Raven was to the wall, but I could still look at the figures in front of us.

As all at once they jumped on us. I tucked Raven into my chest and crouched down, holding her tightly.

I felt them pile onto me, their touch was like sinking my back into a pool of acid. I bit my lip, trying not to scream out in pain.

I felt useless. How could I protect her when I didn't have any real powers? All I could do was shape shift into other animals- that's not very helpful.

"Garfield?" Raven croaked.

I hushed her, cradling her head into me. "Don't talk. Everything's going to be alright, I promise." I lied. I didn't know how we were going to get out if this.

"You're not real." She whispered sadly. "Only a figment of my imagination." I felt a rattle in her chest before she started to cry. It wasn't out of control sobbing, but genuinely sad hickups of tears. She clenched onto my shirt and held herself close to me. "I wish I could see you one more time before I die... I miss you."

I groaned in pain as I pushed myself out a bit, trying not to crush Raven with my body. "I missed you, too, Rae." I panted. "But I need you to help me out here." The pain in my back was stretching out through my legs. I cried out as the fire spread up my back and into my neck.

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