Chapter twenty-five

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Authors notes; there won't be many more chapters after this one... Maybe 3- 4 if I prolong the inevitable. Just a slight warming :)
Beast Boys POV;

I went out to the market because I wanted to surprise Rave with some flowers.

Only I never made it to the flower shop. I had gotten half way into town, driving the Titan car without robins permission (because I'm a bad boy like that).

As I was turning to go into the city, I was side swiped by a large black hummer. I don't remember much, besides the pain that spiked into my ribs and my legs during impact of the car, and then the toppling over as I fell down the slight hill the road was on.

A bag was thrown over my head and I was knocked unconscious...

Now I'm just waking up. Laying on the pale red rock of the underworld. It wasn't hard to tell where I was, the bars enclosing a side of the small square room made it pretty obvious.

But why was I here? And what had I done wrong..? Oh wait, I was with Raven. That's what I did wrong.

I scowled, gripping the bars and trying to bend them. I pooped into my savage beast form and viciously pulled at the bars- but they didn't even budge a little bit...

"You can try all you want." A deep familiar voice said as it approached from the far hall, a dimly lit light hanging began to illuminate the features of, my now, father in law. "But you're not going anywhere."

"Oh, hey dad." I said playfully, "whatcha got your son all locked up in This cage for?"

He glared at me, his lips pressed in a straight line as he rolled his eyes. "I warned both of you that love with an immortal, or mortal, was forbidden. Married or not- your life is mine."

I scoffed, leaning against the wall. "I'm immortal, too, bruh."

"Lying isn't getting you out of this, Beast Boy." He gripped my bars and leaned in close. "You should have stayed away from my daughter. Because I'm going to make this hard for you."

"What, do you think she won't come after me?" I asked, raising my brows.

"That's exactly what I want her to do. So she can see me kill you, and she can learn her lesson." His smile was smug and tight as he pushed away from the bars.

Oh no... I thought. God, I hope she doesn't come... I couldn't imagine seeing her crying as my last vision... The last thing I wanted to see was her happy... Or food. Food was good too.

I wasn't sure how long had passed, but soon two guards, who wore outfits to cover every inch of skin, came to collect me. One arm behind held by both of them, they dragged me to the fire room and laced me up to two posts.

I heard the crack of a whip from behind me before triton appeared. He gazed boredly at me, cracking the whip again.

"I need you to cry for Raven." He said simply, walking around me in large circles.

"I'm not calling out for Raven." I said with a light chuckle, but I could feel myself beginning to sweat.

"Why not let us do this the easy way?" He asked, cracking the whip and making me flinch.

"Your daughter means far to much to me for me to just let you tourcher her when she has done nothing wrong." I muttered, hanging my head and letting my hair fall in front of my face.

He cracked the whip once, but it was quickly followed by another whip. But this time, pain ripped up my back and throughout my body. I yelled out, gritting my teeth.

"Just do it, it will make this so much easier. Do you really want to suffer through all this pain?" It was funny, because he smiled as he said the word 'pain'.

"Any pain is worth it for Ra-" I began to say, but he whipped me to quickly, the pain enveloping my body as I collapsed to my knees.

"Don't say her name." He said through gritted teeth. "Filthy animals should not be uttering a word about her." He growled.

"She married this animal." I growled through huffs of breath.

"Silence!" He yelled, cracking me over the shoulder with the whip. I howled loudly, panting through the pain.

"Please don't come, Raven." I pleaded, knowing that no matter how much I wanted her to stay away, she wouldn't.

And just like that, there she was. A black hole forming in front of me, and a panicked Raven popping out.

"Garfield!" She screamed, dashing over to me and kneeling down.

We had been married for a few weeks at tops, such wonderful days we had spent together... I loved her so very much...

"Go." I whispered. I felt the sweat on my face as it drizzled down my cheek.

"Oh Raven." Triton said happily. "I'm glad you could join the party!"

"Father." She breathed. "How could you do this?!" She yelled outraged; panic in her eyes as they scanned me.

"I need you to learn your lesson." He said. Clearly annoyed that he had to repeat himself so many times. "I warned you; now he shall die and you shall watch. He dies.. Because of you."

With one hand, triton picked her up with his powers, letting her dangle only feet away from me. Then, he grabbed my hair and yanked my head back.

"A simple snap of the neck will suffice." He said eagerly, one of his large hands gripping my jaw.

"No!" Raven screamed. "You can't do this!"

"And why not?" Her father whispered harshly, his other hand gripping my head.

"Because.." She whispered quickly, but paused as if she didn't want to discuss this. "because I'm Pregnant!" Her voice echoed around us.


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