Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Beast Boys POV;

"Come on, Raven!" I shouted excitedly as we hurried into the living room. Cyborg had made us a machine so we could see the baby; and even know the sex. I was far more excited about it then Rave was.

She followed me slowly, her hands wrapped protectively around her belly like they always seemed to be now. "I'm coming." Her voice was soft, but weak.

"Are you okay?" I asked, stopping and turning toward her. "Do you need-"

"I'm fine." She interrupted me as she pushed past me to lay on the couch. "Let's do this, I wanna see my baby."

"Thanks so much again, Cy." I said with big wet eyes. "This means so much."

"You think you're happy? I get to see my niece or nephew!" He shouted happily. "Booyah!" He shouted, flipping on a monitor. His hand switches to a weird thing, "pull your shirt up." He said with a smile.

"Uhm.." Raven muttered, looking at me.

"It's just so we can get an accurate picture." Cyborg said in a tired voice.

Raven reluctantly pulled her shirt up and cyborg was quick to lay the thingy on her belly. In no time, there was a picture of a black and white baby on the screen. The baby was sucking on its thumb, trying to roll over.

Raven reached out and gently touched the screen, "that's our baby." She said softly.

"That's our baby." I repeated, brushing back Ravens hair and kissing her forehead.

"Oh!" Cyborg said happily. "It's a boy!"

"Are you sure that is not a girl?" Starfire asked from behind the couch.

"Well..." Cyborg moved the thing on her belly, "wait..." He said softly, pointing to the changing picture. "That's..."

"Twins?" Robin asked.

"Twins?!" Raven and I shouted, looking at each other.

"Looks like you're gonna have a little Raven and a little Beast Boy." Cyborg said with a laugh.

"Garfield." Raven said, leaning back heavily and closing her eyes. "A little Garfield." Seconds after she was fast asleep, a smile touching her lips.

I kissed her cheek softly then motioned for everyone to vacate the living room. We sat around the table, and I sighed.

"She's getting weak." I whispered to them.

"She seems tired all the time now." Robin muttered.

"She won't accept the help?" Starfire asked, peaking over at her. "I'm the concerned."

"She's a strong woman, guys." Cyborg said firmly. "She will make it through this."

Pain stabbed through my heart as he lied to us. "Bro.." I whispered, feeling tears brim in my eyes. "I'm so scared, guys."

I leaned against Cyborg, hot tears wetting my face. What was I going to do with two babies? I couldn't do this alone- even with the help of my friends...

"We are here, Beast Boy. We will help as much as we can." Robin said with a strong voice. "I am the leader, after all."

I had such great friends. "Thanks guys." I said, scooting off the chair. "I'm going to go..." I sighed. "Lay with Rave..." I gave them a sad smile and made my way over to the still sleeping Raven. I scooted behind her and wrapped my arms around her tightly, nuzzling my face on to her. "I love you, Rae... Mama, please don't go..."

If this didn't hit your feels; you're a monster.
Nearly cried as I wrote it (coming from a lady with a kid. Imagining that- wasn't fun.)

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