Chapter six

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Beast Boys POV;

"Beast Boy..." Starfire whispered quietly, waking me up. I looked up tiredly at her, "Raven has fallen asleep." I sat up quickly at the mention of Raven. "And if it's okay, I would like to go get the rest, too."

I nodded, "thanks Star. Go to bed, I got it from here."

She was going to shut the door, but she turned back to me as I was getting out of bed. "She really cares about you, you know?"

I looked over at her, "what are you talking about?"

"Raven. Don't be hard on her, she's just doing what she feels is best for you." She smiled gently at me. "Good night, Beast Boy."

"Night, Star..." I wasn't sure what she was saying. Well, I knew she was saying Raven cared; which I already knew... But she had been pushing me away. Being so distant... I frowned, but quickly pulled on my pajama pants and returned to sitting on the table and watching over Raven.

Some where along the line she had pulled her hood back over her face. I grimaced. She always hid her beauty.

I folded my legs to my chest and rested my chin on my knees, just watching her chest rise and fall with every breath.

"Hey, man." Cyborg said quietly as he sat down on the table next to me. "How's she doing?"

"She should be fine by morning." I whispered, unable to look away from her. I was scared that if I looked away, she would get worse. Or maybe disappear all together. I don't know what I would do without my Raven...

Cy set a hand on my shoulder and smiled at me, "you did a good job, Bro."

I looked over at him, "she didn't even want me near here, Cyborg." I said quietly. "What am I supposed to do when she keeps pushing me away?"

"You fight." He whispered with determination. "You fight for the girl you love, Bro!" And without letting me put another word in, he smiled and went back into his room.

Fight for the girl you love, yes. I shall fight for the girl I loved... Because I loved Raven, and some how I was blind to it. She was so beautiful, so smart...

I kneeled next to her, taking her pulse. Her heart rate dropped slightly from when I had taken it last... I frowned, leaning my head on her shoulder. "Come on, Rae. You're stronger then this." I squeezed my eyes shut. She had to get better, she couldn't get worse. If she turned for the worse... I really don't know what I'm going to do.

"I'm fine, Garfield." Raven whispered. "Go get some rest." She turned her head so she was facing the couch again.

"I'm not leaving you, Rae." I whispered, pulling away from her and leaving against the table.

"Please, go." She seemed to beg. Why didn't she want me around? Why did she feel the need to keep pushing me away? The other night she had been so close to me. We hung out and even nearly kissed at the beach...

"Stop it." I said firmly. "Stop this."

She didn't say anything for a while, she just laid there and continued to breathe heavily.

"I'm sorry for being so much trouble."

"You're never trouble." I said quietly.

"And thank you for taking care of me." She added slowly. "But I don't want you around me anymore, Gar..." She sighed. "Beast Boy."

Garfield... She as the only none to ever call me it. And I always acted like I hated it, but in truth I loved it every time I heard it. It reminded me of home... But now I didn't even have that it seemed.

"What did I do to make you so mad at me?" I pleaded for an answer. "Just tell me, I need to know!"

"You're so blind." She said quietly. She never was one to raise her voice when it wasn't necessary. "Just go, please."

"I can't do that, Raven."

"And why not?" She lashed, seeming a bit irritated as she turned to look at me, her intense purple eyes boring into mine.

"You're my friend, Rae. I can't-"

"Exactly." She said quickly, cutting me off. "I have other friends to take care of me, Beast Boy."

You have to fight for the girl you love.

"I'm not going anywhere. So stop wasting your breath." I said firmly.

She met my eyes again, "I need you to stop carrying about me." She stated bluntly.

"W-what?" I stuttered. How could she possibly ask me to do such a thing?

"It's obvious how much you care. And I'm sorry- but I just don't care about you." She laid her head back. "I appreciate all you've done for me, but I would really appreciate it if you just left me alone."

I felt my heart begin to break. "You can't be serious..."

"And why can't I?"

"Because I was not the only one on that couch the other night!" I shouted, standing up. "Stop acting like this!"

"Beast boy, you're going to wake everyone up."

"Like they aren't all listening." I said with an eye roll, shortly after we heard shuffling of feet. I squatted down, and quickly pushed back her hood. She winced away from me, taking in a deep breath. "Please, Rae."

"I don't care about you, Beast boy." She said firmly, trying To grab her hood. "Now let go and back away from me."

I grabbed her wrist, pressing my thumb to her pulse. "If you don't like me-" I whispered, leaning in closer toward her. I felt her pulse quicken under my thumb- a dead give away. "Whys your pulse so quick?" I breathed, our noses nearly touching. Her eyes were bright and colored with shock, but she quickly whipped her wrist from my hand and shoved me back.

"You have no right to get that close to me. Next time, I'll break you." She warned, then tried to sit up. She let out a sharp breath, falling back down onto the couch.

I quickly sprang forward and helped her lay down, "you have to take it easy..."

"Go away." She said through gritted teeth. "Just leave me alone already!" She shouted.

My heart hurt, and it was hard to breath. "I can't do that Rae... You're hurt and you need rest. So just lay down-"

"I don't need, or want, your help." She spat, curling into a ball and hiding her face in her cloak.

"If you keep pushing people away... Soon no one will care about you." I stood up and looked down at her. "Just don't come crawling to me for help. Because I promise, I won't be there." Filled with anger, I stalked off to my room.

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