Chapter twentyone

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Beast Boys POV;

Everyone sat on the couch. Robin was lifting a weight as he flipped through a magazine, cyborg played video games and star sat on the edge doing her hair.

"Hey guys." I said quietly, holding Ravens hand tightly in mine.

"Oh hey Beast boy." Robin said as he flashed me a quick smile and turned back to his magazine. It only took him a few seconds for his arm to stop pumping the weight as he looked up at is with a confused expression. "Beast Boy, why are you holding Ravens hand?"

"Uhm..." Raven said quietly.

"Yeah, what's going on guys?" Cy added.

"What is the up?" Star said, finally catching on after a second.

"We're getting married." Raven blurted out.

Everyone gasped, looking at each other and then back up to us.

"Are you two in the love?" Starfire asked quietly, her hand covering her mouth in shock.

"We are." I confirmed. "And we would love it if you guys would be in the wedding..."

"So..." Robin said slowly, "you guys don't hate each other?"

"Oh come on." Cyborg said with an eye roll, "how did you guys not see this coming?"

"What do-" I began.

"Stop it, bro." He cut me off. "Just seeing the way you look at her is enough for me to know. Besides the fact you two hang out all the time now. I mean, it's pretty obvious. These guys just don't pay attention." He said the last part loudly, everyone's face fell with guilt at his words.

"I guess I have been the self obsessed..."

"And I've been to busy working out..."

"It's okay guys." Raven said. "We are just happy you guys aren't mad..."

"Why would we be mad?" Robin asked.

"Because we've been hiding our relationship?" I meant for it to come out as a statement, but some how it came out as a question.

They all laughed, "it's not exactly our place to get mad." Robin said.

"Plus, you two are of the cuteness together!" Star added as she clapped her hands. "Does this mean I get to be the maiden of the biggest honor?"

Raven chuckled from beside me, "yes. And you get to wear a pretty dress and do my hair. So- everything you've always wanted us to do; wrapped in one morning."

Starfire squealed with excitement, "we must start planning!"

"Wait- wait- wait- wait." Robin said. "Beast boy... Who's your best man?"

"Uhm..." I muttered, drawing it out as I tried to break the news nicely.

"Yeah, Beasty. Who's it going to be?" Cy narrowed his eyes at Robin.

"Obviously it's going to be me." Robin said matter of factly.

"Why would it be you?!" Cy said loudly.

"Because I'm a better friend then you?" Robin wiggled his eye brows at me. "You know I am."

"Why I oughta!" Cy said as he drew his fist back.

"Guys- guys." I muttered, setting my hands out in front of me defensively. "You're both my best men."

"You can't have both!" Cy yelled.

"Yeah, you have to pick one!" Robin added.

"It's either both of you or neither of you." I shrugged. "You guys choose."

They started at each other for a long moment, "fine." They said together in angry voices.

"Now that that's settled..." Raven said in a low voice.

"Let's start planning!" Star yelled happily as she jumped up and embraced Raven.

This was going to be fun...

I Hate You, Don't GoHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin