Chapter twenty-seven

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Ravens POV;

A week or so had passed, and my belly was already beginning to grow. Beast boy refused to let me do most things, he always insisted on helping me or doing it for me; which I didn't quite mind.

We still hadn't told the rest of the Titans, and we were both beginning to feel a bit guilty. I was getting far to big for my cloak to be concealing my baby bump any longer.

I lay on my bed, flicking through channels on the tv while beast boy, in cute little kitten form, lay on my belly all curled up as he slept, soft purrs spilling from his nose.

With a jolt, Garfield was flung from my belly. "Whoa, man!" He cried, dropping to the floor. "That was a strong kick!"

I laughed as he crawled back onto the bed, "obviously he loves you." We still weren't sure on the sex, so we continued to use "he" and "she" loosely.

He crawled back onto my belly, rubbing his face to it. "And daddy loves you." He purred to my belly. He paused and let out a small sigh as he looked up at me. "And daddy loves mama."

"Mama loves daddy, too." I whispered as I looked at him, a small smile tugging my lips.

We watched tv for a bit longer before deciding we really couldn't avoid the inevitable any longer.

"Titans!" We heard Robin call.

"Perfect timing." Garfield said with a slight chuckle as he crawled into the floor and popping back into human form. "Come on, mama."

I rolled off the bed and followed him, my hands laced around my belly, holding myself tightly.

"Titans!" Robin called again as we sat down on the couch.

"Enough with the yelling." I muttered. "We're all here."

"Oh." He said with a chuckle. "Sorry. Now guys!" He began, springing off into a lecture about the hive, and how Garfield and I haven't been around enough to help.

"We have our reasons." Garfield said defensively.

"Look, I know you're newly weds and stuff but-" Robin started, but I cut him off.

"I have news." I said loudly, standing up quickly and moving next to Robin. "Sit down."

He sat next to Garfield, who jut looked at me with huge adoring eyes. "Look guys, we have some news."

"What is it, friend Raven?" Star asked, looking a bit concerned.

I smiled a bit and took off my robe. I wore my black leotard and fuzzy purple lounge shorts. I turned to the side as I held my belly in my hands. "I'm pregnant." I said bluntly.

"What..." Cyborg asked, his mouth hanging open. But it didn't last long, he had Gar in a tight embrace, congratulating him, and there was Robin too, who was quick to hug him and then me.

"Oh Raven! I have so much of the happiness for you!" Star exclaimed happily. "I'll be of the aunt Starfire!"

"Yes you will, Starfire." I said faintly.

Did I have to tell them how this was going to end? Did I have to break all their hearts, along with beast boys? Could I just let them go through this happy time with me without being looked at with such pity and sadness...?

"There's more." Beast boy said sadly. "Ravens body..." He came to stand behind me, wrapping his arms around me and holding me in his embrace, as if not to lose me. Not quite just yet. "Her body can't support a mortals fetus..." He rested his head to mine, "she's going to die after giving birth. The baby is going to drain all of the powers and all of her energy." I could feel his breathing growing ragged.

"That can't be.." Robin said.

"There has to be a way..." Cy added.

"This is not the reality. I refuse to be one of the believing..." Star shook her head fiercely.

"Look guys". I said quietly, beast boy now hiding his face in my shirt as he quietly cried to himself. "I've come to peace with it. This baby needs to be born, he needs to grow up and have a life. Her father will raise her wonderfully, and with a bunch of wonderful aunts and uncles, I have no doubt in its happiness." I smiled at them.

"You're so strong, rave." Cyborg said quietly.

"We will help beast boy as much as we can." Star said as she set a hand in my shoulder. "You're already a wonderful mother.... I just can't believe how much I already miss you..."

I smiled softly, "it's okay, guys. Really."

Garfield, Cy and Robin went outside to talk, and Starfire had me sit down. She enjoyed talking to my belly, so I let her talk all she wanted. It was adorable to see how much she loved the baby already.

Even though it pained me to know I wouldn't be in my child's life, it made me happier then ever to know that my child would grow up with such a great and loving family.

And knowing this, I believed that I would be able to let go peacefully.

Thanks for reading guys 😘😘

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