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*************PART ONE*************

                  Slaughter town

I traced the golden coloured pastel against page 32 of my A4 spiral red notepad as I leaned against the moist trunk of the old isolated oak tree in the middle of the school compound.

It had thick buttress roots that were about four inches above the ground and scanty leaves coming off its branches, hardly  providing any protection from the rays radiating from the big yellow ball in the sky.

I liked it anyway,it was perfectly imperfect. Just the perfect lunch break hide-away spot for a young aspiring artist with a messed up imaginative mind.

I could swear the tree talked back occasionally whenever I had an an artistic block or felt highly depressed.

"Devon you are special, if your dad does not see what I see in you, his really myopic." 

I had a weird belief that it always listened to all the unfiltered crap that came out of my mouth. When no one else did.When no one else cared and it gave me this warm blissfully feeling of comfort whenever depression flooded in.

I know how it sounds. It sounds absurd, crazy and all kinds of messed up,but I could actually hear its voice whenever I was at an all time low.

Sometimes the voice followed me to my usual hangouts, my room and the Shakka dinner[which served the best smoothies in town BTW].

It had a very distinctive held back Australian almost British sounding accent .

Or maybe I was just going insane and I had created an imaginary friend like I did when I was a toddler to cope with being alone all time since Victor's departure.

Maybe I wasn't, Time would tell.

"Devon" on the sound of his soft breathy masculine voice I ruined my sketch drawing a thick golden line across my master piece.

It had taken me three days to perfect my twisted version of the trojan horse and it had been ruined in a second fueled by anger and bitterness.

It was Timothy Cohen the biggest douche bag at the school.

He had such a basic look but all the girls seemed to drooled over his green eyes with a hint of hazel and bushy shaggy brown  hair.

He was not as built up as the rest of this football teammates but still bossed them around like puppets. He was basically as skinny as I was but he terrified the hell out of me .There was something odd about him I could not quite figure out. [With time, I eventually did]

Timothy approached with a group of his friends and I could hear their irritating laughter as they came closer.

Didn't they have anything better to do or were they just a group of bored fucks?

I ignored them and pretended to sketch something in my notepad hoping they would sense my lack of interest and fly away like the vultures they were.

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