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The worst part of Andrea's day was always the evening. When the sun set,and the birds retired to their nests she had to return home and she hated the atmosphere that surrounded the place.

She secretly buried strong hate towards her mother and it was eating her on the inside she was never going to forgive her mother for enslaving her.

She entered her house and to her surprise the Grimmore family were sitting in the living room sharing a cup of tea with her mother. Her heart stop in that moment, she had not seen the whole family since the engagement ceremony nine years back.

They all had fake smiles plastered on their faces on seeing Andrea who didn't seem happy to see them at all.

The four of them Martin, Malachi ,Grace and Gwen Grimmore  dressed all in black gazed at her like she was some kind of delicate glass that could break at any moment.

Martin Grimmore ,her future father in law and High Warlock of Boston looked like a character straight from a horror movie the closet to a smile that could be got from him was a relatively smaller frown.

He had dark hair that was gelled back perfectly with a long four inch bushy beard. He had a black eye patch covering his left eye purposely because it caught glimpses of the future and it almost drove him insane once so he had it stitched and put an eye patch over it.

He wore an oversized  black coat that run down to his feet and had a huge cigarette in his mouth with a huge wooden staff at hand as he examined Andrea from head to toe.

He looked like he would kill anyone who messed with him and it was true, Martin was an infamously known for killing all his traitors in Boston. So Andrea would be next on his kill list if she resisted the marriage.

"Andrea come have tea with us." Her mother said as she poured tea from the kettle into a cup.

"Yes please join us for tea, we would love to get to know you more.''Grace Grimmore, Malachi's mother said as she signaled at Andrea to sit on the couch next to her.

Andrea did not think they had any good intentions, she believed immediately she was married off they would all show their true brutal colours.

" I will join you in a minute, I have to change am a bit wet."Andrea's voice grew tenser as she uttered each word.

"We will be waiting." Martin said in a dark tone as he withdrew the cigarette from his mouth and exhaled a huge cloud of smoke.
On entering her room she could not hold the tears in anymore and they just flowed from her eyes and rolled down her cheeks.

She took off her semi - wet dress and at the thought of Abel's strong hands pressing against her waist caused her to smile a little but frowned a second after knowing he was just another stranger she was not going to see again.

Before she could reach for her closet for another dress, she felt someone breath down her neck, it was Malachi her future husband.

"You don't need to put on anything, this magnificent body is all I want." He said in a husky seductive tone as he laid a soft kiss on Andrea's neck.

Andrea dreaded everything that followed after that, she tried to tell Malachi she was not interested but him being the rich spoilt teenager he was he did not listen to her. He put a temporarily paralysis spell on her and he thrusted into her like the beast he was.

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